Battle at the Infernal Tower!

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Ichika: (Groans) I'm so cramped.

Tango: I sold off my vases in order to get us a flight, but all the private jets were taken

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Tango: I sold off my vases in order to get us a flight, but all the private jets were taken.

Dante: I gotta admit I'm surprised! I didn't think you'd come with us, Gwyn!

Demi: Along with your sisters, too.

Gwyn: Really? Yeah, well, I did.

Dante: Oh, man. I wish Pheng and Pearl could have tagged along with us, too.

Arman: Yeah, well, he told me that their heading back home to restart their training.

Taka: Losing against the new Dragon and Dragoness really got under his skin, didn't it?

Dante: All right now. It's game time.

Demi: I can't wait to get over there. Let's keep getting even stronger!

Dante: Whoa, Dragon! Take a good look! Check out this view! It's incredible! Whoa! It's so cool!

Arman: (Grunting) Hey, it's cramped enough as it is. Would you sit still?

Dante: Well, let's trade seats then. Come on. You wanna?

Arman: (Chuckles) Hard pass. Check out this wicked view, Ashindra! Awesome, huh?

Dante: Hey, don't copy me!

Arman: I wasn't.

Dante: I wanna show Dragon what it's like outside, too!

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Dante: I wanna show Dragon what it's like outside, too!

Arman: Just sit still!

Taka: Hold on, Arman and Dante!

Arman: You're disturbing everybody on the plane!

Amy: Dante is starting to sound like a spoil child.

Tango: (Chuckles)

Ichika: We can't take them anywhere.

Amy: Huh? Demi, would you get your tail out of my face?

Demi: I just thought if you might need a pillow.

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