The Final Hand!

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Hanami: Howdy-ho, dudes and dudettes! The first semifinals match of the Beyblade Carnival continues to rage on! In the second battle, Joe Lazure managed to wrestle back one point! You don't wanna miss a thrilling moment of the third battle!

Joe: Well, what do you know? It turns out Lady Luck is on my side.

Dante: (groans)

Demi: Don't let him taunt you.

Taka: Agh! They're totally cornered right now!

Arman: Rock Dragon and Tact Dragoness' defenses didn't make any difference. Their best bet right now would be to go with Flare Dragoness and Glyph Dragon.

Amy: It'll be a battle of stamina.

Tango: Now, then... what will you do now, Dante? Demi?

Juniper: (Joe Lazure manage to break through their defense... If the Koryus are going to win, they'll have to win by offense.)

Dante: Hey, Dragon.

Demi: Dragoness...

(Resonating with Dragon and Dragoness)

Dragon: Dante, Demi, what is your plan of attack?

Dragoness: Any suggestions?

Demi: We're going with Ace Dragon and Gleam Dragoness.

Dante: We're gonna attack, attack, and attack some more, and we'll win!

Dragon: A fine plan. Let's try it.

Dragoness: So be it.

(End of Resonating)

Koryus: Okay, you got it!

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Koryus: Okay, you got it!

Ichika: (Gasps) They've chose Ace Dragon and Gleam Dragoness!

Amy: Bad move, guys!

Arman: A risky move. They're really pushing their luck!

Tango: Now, that's interesting. This ought to be groovy.

Juniper: (Just as I thought. They really are going with the offensive.)

Joe: Fascinating. If that's how we're playing, then I'll try my luck as well.

 If that's how we're playing, then I'll try my luck as well

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