Rogue Earth

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They didn't see it coming.

The earth had gotten shot out the solar system and the global temperature was dropping.

Izuku had heard the news and simply smirked. He had a plan. He always had one. He already had one.

The years of asteroid mining had produced a mass of nanoparticles floating out in space waiting for instructions.

The earth passed what they were expecting to be Mars but it was a ball of gray dust.

The Number 3 hero (Endeavor and Miro were still ahead of him) Izuku Midoriya had stunned the freezing earth as the goo started changing shape.

The Number 3 hero (Endeavor and Miro were still ahead of him) Izuku Midoriya had stunned the freezing earth as the goo started changing shape

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The massive ring illuminated with light as the earth heated back up.

The earth cheered as their planet was saved.

The rest of the swarm had went into hunting mode, absorbing all other materials in the solar system.

100 years later

Izuku walked out his house looking up at the next layer earths.

Izuku took a deep breath of the crisp air manufactured by the planets Black Hole Pinch Reactor

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Izuku took a deep breath of the crisp air manufactured by the planets Black Hole Pinch Reactor.

A quick elevator ride up and the surface had shown the mass of gray floating along the planet like tentacles, grabbing whatever they came near to increase their supplies.

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