the Infinity gauntlet

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Here's what would happen if the Infinity stones were in Iron Deku

First Izuku breaks down crying. Rocking on the floor and having a PTSD induced panic attack.

Second Izuku would build a nano gauntlet made of Badassium so he wouldn't end up dying from using the stones.

Third Izuku wouldn't use it to kill Thanos. He'd mostly just use the time stone and turn him into an infant or an old man.

What Izuku would do with the stones is create a massive Birch Planet. It's a layered structure that's basically a giant shell around a lightyear wide hyper massive black hole. Every single star, planet and smallest astroid in the universe turned into a livable habitat for every species in the universe with the proper environment and food supply for every species. The entire universe basically utilizing every single resource to It's full potential.

It would be the greatest feat of engineering and would also slow time around it so the heat death of the universe would basically be a non issue to life in the universe.

It would be the greatest feat of engineering and would also slow time around it so the heat death of the universe would basically be a non issue to life in the universe

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Yeah suck it Thanos. This is meant to have enough living space of 180 decilion square meters. (That's 180 followed by 33 zeros bitches.) For context if your scared of over population then this could give then entire human race their own private country the size of Russia.

This is the largest theoretically possible construction that would take hundreds of generations to complete...built with the snap of his fingers.

Yes the Infinity gauntlet could do this and Thanos decided to use it to kill half the universe. Very smooth brain thinking.

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