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My jss3 third term exam was just around the corner,as a matter of fact it was in a week time.
Around this time things are tough for me because my whole activities were being monitored,my days were always planned out, it was just me and my books;you must be wondering how my mom has time to always monitor me right?
Well that was easy for her since she owns her company,she could choose when to go and when to stay back at home literally to monitor me, we also have servants that reports to her about my movements.
Finally,it was exam week,i went to the exam hall and i sat down gracefully,waiting patiently as the exam paper was being shared,finally it got to my table,i picked up my pen and started answering the questions.
I had finished all my papers and what was left was to wait for my results.
It was not something i was worried about,not to brag though but made sure i was going to pass with her constant supervision during my study time, the only way i would fail is only if "my village people" were at work.
Our results were finally out,mom drove me down to the school since she took a week off from work. I went to the teacher's office and saw my class teacher,he called my name with a smile on his face,his name is mr robbert.
Mr robbert:Mel,how are you doing?
Me: Good morning sir,i'm doing well thanks.
Mr robbert:okay Mel,here is your report card take a look at your result.
  (opening it with my heart racing a bit,maybe because i knew mom was waiting for me outside).
I opened it and saw that i took the first position in the class, i smiled with my mouth open, mr robbert was happy for me, the other teachers that were present congratulated me,i went outside to show my mom, she gave me a hug and said
Mom:my baby girl never dissapoints me.
Me: of cos mom,now would you take me out to celebrate this?
Mom: of cos,right after i call your dad to break the news to him.
    (my dad travelled to abuja for a business trip).
Mom called dad with so much excitement in her words as she broke the news to him;now this made me wonder how she would react if ever i failed or did not take the first position in class.
My dad was happy for me,mom gave me the phone to speak to him.
Dad: hello my baby girl,heard you came out first again,i'm proud of you.
Me: thanks dad.
My dad isn't a man of much words,sometimes his statements sounded like he was leaving a voice mail,what can i say he is a busy man so he must have his hands filled with a lot of work.
Later that day,mom and i went out to celebrate.

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