Let The Story Begin

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Hi i'm mellanie but my close friends call me mel. I'm what people refer to as an INTROVERT, you noticed i said close friends right? actually i meant my classmates,i just didn't want to sound weird earlier.
Oh yh i just turned 15,i celebrated my birthday on the 22nd of july, although,i won't call it a celebration since there were no friends there,but dad always said "as long as there is a cake and candles to blow it is a celebration" of cos i knew he was only trying to cheer me up. I happen to be the only surviving child of my parents,most were still-born. It took my parents another three years after their last child that died at birth to have me,so it is safe to say that i'm their miracle child.
People always admired my life as the only child of a rich family and sometimes wondered what it felt like to live my life. Being an ADEBANJO is pretty cool in terms of the priviledges that comes with it but of cos there is a flip side to it which is being the only child.
Being the only child really sucks, it has so many disadvantages attached to it,there is the lonliness,high expectations from parents and so much rules to adhere to.
It was really bad years back when i was still so young,mom wouldn't allow me play with friends,she said "mellanie get inside, you could catch a cold or worst injure yourself". I would stay in my room reading my books and the story books mom got me from the bookstore, there is no children's story i do not know about cause she always bought them for me to keep me busy.
I was too young to blame them for being over protective of me, at that time i just thought they were different from other parents.
In time,my childhood friends withdrew from me because of the rules mom always gave their parents when they came by to play with me,in the end i had no friend.
I grew up with that same mindset that "friends aren't needed" mostly because i wasn't used to having any since mom drove my childhood friends away (sighs), so i became an introvert, i can say my life's been pretty much messed up, obviously i mean i sleep with a danger detector in my room; so there's this stuff mom got me,she said it will start making a loud sound when it detects danger,like if i scream,or a gunshot etc.
I was pretty shocked to see the extent she could go to.
ME:Mom this is not necessary.

MOM:It is mellanie,sweetheart i just want you to be safe.

ME:But mom i'm safe.

MOM:Yes baby,but mummy wants to be 100% sure of that.

At that moment i just kept mute,i couldn't say anything, because in my house decisions are made without the consent of the person involved,i'm talking about me.
I grew an interest in writting,after reading so many books i really wanted to write my own, so i started by writting ideas in journals,most of them came from life experiences i heard of and also mine.

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Depressed At SixteenOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz