On entering the living room I saw my whole family . Mom and Mama were speaking to each other like some long lost friends while Dad looked a bit reserved in front of Papa , maybe because he was his employee. Char and Erica looked very comfortable with each other while Ryan was stealing glances at Erica !?

Hmm , that's something interesting.

The first to notice us was Ethan. He sprinted off of Papa's lap and came running to us.

" Sophia !" , He hugged my legs.

I picked him up and kissed his cheek to which he giggled.

" Oh , baby ! I missed you so much ." I said.

" I missed you too and Grandpa said I am going home with you today. " , He said excitedly.

" Yes , I know and from now on we are going to have a lot of fun at home , okay ?"

He nodded showing all of his teeth.

I put him down to hug Mom and Dad.

"I missed you guys so much ." I said.

" We missed you too princess." , Dad said.

"What about me ? " Char put her hands on her hip glaring at me playfully.

I hugged her but didn't say anything.

"Soph " , I pulled away to look at Ryan.

I took him in a tight hug .

"How have you been?" , He almost whispered.

I just nodded and kept quiet. He sighed and I knew that he had realised something was wrong.

" Soph , we are talking about this later." He said in a no-room-for-argument voice and I just sighed.

"Ryan ." , I heard Nick speak for the first time since we had arrived.

I pulled away only to be pulled back against a hard chest. Nick's familiar scent engulfed me. He placed his hand on my waist which sent a strange shiver down my body.

He was giving a hard stare at Ryan. Was he jealous ? He can't be. Then why was he behaving like a possessive man when he actually doesn't give a fuck? God he is so confusing.

" Come on, dinner is ready." , Mama said breaking the awkward moment.

We walked to the table . Nick pulled out a chair for me and settled down beside me. I took a lot to hide the surprise on my face.

" Did you hit your head somewhere?" , I whispered to him.

He gave me a strange look, expecting me to explain further.

" What's up with you and your new-found gentlemanliness ? " I raised an eyebrow.

" Cause honey , we are in front of our parents and I don't want to hear from mom on how I should be treating my wife ." He said in a mocking tone.

" Right." I was a bit saddened at his words. What else did I expect ,he had suddenly become a gentleman?

Dinner was spent with our parents giving out on our embarrassing childhood memories. By the end of the dinner , I was concentrating only on my plate.

We talked a bit more before it was time to leave.

"Say goodbye to Grandpa and Grandma, Ethan." I said taking his hand in mine.

"Good bye ." , He waved at his two set of grandparents and they waved back.

I hugged everyone and before I could reach Ryan, Nick pulled me back by my waist.

Char wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and I glared at Nick.

"We have to leave now." Nick said.

We were back at home . I looked at Ethan who was yawning.

" Come , let's tuck you in." I said him.

"No need , I will do it ." , Nick intervened.

" Dad , I want Sophia to take me to bed." Ethan pouted to which Mr. Jerk just sighed.

" Let's go ." Ethan guided me to his room. The room had blue and white walls. The room looked nothing like that of a kid. It was more of matured and elegantly designed.

I put him to bed and pulled the cover to his body. Kissing him goodbye , I switched off the lights and walked out of the room.

I went to my new room , which I had arranged for while he was at his office. I had shifted some of my work clothes and night wears to the wardrobe in the room , keeping the rest in Nick's bedroom to avoid any kind of problem in case our parents decide to surprise us.

I changed into my comfy pyjamas and slipped under the cover. I was exhausted and had just closed my eyes when the door to the room opened and lights were switched on.

" What are you doing here ?" , Nick stood with his arms crossed against his check .

" Sleeping?" I spoke in a mocking tone.

" Why here ? " , He asked with a clenched jaw.

" Because I wasn't comfortable there ." I said .

" Of course you weren't. You aren't comfortable with sleeping in the same room with me but you're comfortable with hugging Ryan like your life depended on it." He scoffed.

"Excuse me ? You expect me to be comfortable with the person who expects me to sleep on the floor and I had to fight my way to the couch ? Well , I can't. And ofcourse I am comfortable with hugging Ryan because he is my best friend." I said.

" And I am your husband." He said taking long steps towards me.

" More of a rude stranger. Now kindly get out of here and let me sleep." , I said looking straight into his eyes.

"It's my house and you can't tell me where to go ." He said coming closer.

" You know what ? I don't care. Sit here and fuck your arrogant ass . I need to sleep ."

I turned towards the bed but he gripped my arm and pulled me back. The next thing I knew was that his lips were on mine.

He roughly moved his lips against mine , demanding something and maybe punishing me.I couldn't process what was happening. Although I wasn't kissing him back, I was having a strange sensation. The feeling of his lips on mine was making me weak . He bit on my lip to enter my mouth when I snapped out of my trance. I pushed him away and wiped my lips with the back of my hand.

" What the hell do you think you're doing , you arrogant man ? You think you can kiss me like that? I was ready to give our marriage a chance , but from the very first day, you have been acting like an absolute jerk to me . Now all of a sudden you feel the need to be my husband ,acting all possessive and jealous and kiss me when you actually don't care ." I yelled, frustrated.

" Yes , you're right I don't give a damn and I'm definitely not jealous over a lowlife like you, but I can't have my wife, flirting with another man in front of my parents."

I was shocked. Like how did his brain actually function? Flirt? I mean- how- I breathed out realising it's useless talking to him.

"Leave ." I gritted through the teeth , shocked at how strong my voice sounded.

Without further words he left slamming the door. I fell on the bed groaning before drifting off to sleep.

First kiss ! Not really though.

What do you think of Nick ?

Please let me know what you think of the story so far.


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