(Chapter 7) Picture of Hannah

Start from the beginning

I nodded slightly and pretended to be really fascinated with my macaroni and cheese. Maybe if he thought that I was ignoring him he would drop the subject and leave me alone.

"Is thatokay with you too?" He said as he pointed in the direction of Brandon once more. Follwing his finger, my eyes landed on a ginger that was about my height. She was leaned over the lunch counter and seemed to be talking to Brandon. Scratch that, flirting with Brandon. I could tell by the way that both of his cheeks were blazing red and how he had that little smirk on his face that he often wore when he was flirting or joking around.

Brandon glanced up at me and our eyes locked for a quick second before I looked away. I felt my cheeks warming up slowly so I focused my attention back onto my tray and began eating my lunch again. Finally, Nate took the hint and stop talking. After the lunch bell rang, Abby made up an excuse saying that she had to get off the phone, and we made our way to our next class period.

Walking into our English class, we took our usual seats at the back of class, and I watched Abby as she began texting rapidly. Noticing that I was watching her, she whispered, "Jake", and kept texting.

Five minutes into class, the door opened and in walked Nate with an apologetic look on his face. He told Ms. Harris that he had trouble finding the class and took the only empty seat at the front of the class, next to a dark haired girl that was fast asleep. I really hoped that I didn't have too many classes with him.

Before Ms. Harris let class out, she assigned a group project to the class. "I am going to post the partners for the project on the wall outside of the class room at the end of the day."

"We can't pick our own partners?" A boy two rows in front of my shouted out.

"That's bull!" Said a boy in the back.

Ms. Harris look over at him and said, "That's life." Just before the bell rang.

Since I was already packed up, I waited for Abby and we made our way to our last class period. Gym.

I actually enjoyed gym. It gave me time to blow off some steam at the end of the day. Abby on the other hand completely loathedgym. Being juniors, gym was no longer mandatory. Abby must not have known that at the beginning of the year. We changed into our gym uniforms and went out to the track, where our class was meeting for the day. After an hour and a half of flag football, class was finally dismissed.

In the locker rooms, Abby and I took quick showers and then got dressed in our school clothes. After we had finished, we walked to our English class to see if Ms. Harris had put up the project partners sheet. There was a pink paper taped to her classroom door. Abby smiled as she saw that her partner was Ben, one of the cutest guys in class. Looking down the list of names, I put my finger on my name and followed it across the paper to where my partner's name was listed. Nate Thompson. I sighed heavily. What were the odds? Disappointed, Abby and I headed towards the junior parking lot.

 Abby asked if she could just ride home with me today and maybe spend the night. She told me about how her sister had dropped her off at school in the morning and her parents went out of town last night so she didn't want to be home alone.

"Sure, we have to wait for Brandon to get out of detention though. If he has it today. Serving lunch might of been his detention for today."

Abby smiled brightly, "Thanks hun. It's cool, I don't mind waiting at all."

Abby and I sat on the back of Brandon's car while we waited. After about ten minutes, Brandon came walking out of the building with someone walking next to him. As they came closer, I realized that the girl was in fact the ginger that Brandon had been flirting with during lunch. The closer they came to the car, the more I was able to make out of the girl. She had long, straight red hair that stopped in the middle of her back. Her eyes were almond shaped and pale green. Not nearly as pretty as Brandon's eyes were. She had high cheek bones and a heart shaped face. She wasn't ugly but she wasn't the prettiest girl at our school either.

"Hey guys, this is Rose." Rose smiled and waved at us. "She's a sophmore. She's riding with us today." Brandon opened the front door for Rose and she slid into the seat. Shutting the door he said, "She lives close so you can take her seat after I drop her off." Abby and I nodded and hopped into the back seat. There was a gentle burning in the pit of my stomach, my heart had a gentle ache and all of a sudden my throat seemed dry. Abby and I sat in the back seat and talked until the car pulled in front of what I assumed was Rose's house. She thanked Brandon and then leaned over and kissed him on the cheek before getting out of the car.

My head spun. When Brandon told me I could get up front, I shook my head and laid back allowing Abby to sit up front. It felt like a year before Brandon dropped us off at my house. We waved him good bye and Abby thanked him for the ride.

Once inside of my house, we greeted Hannah and asked her if she wanted to join us for a little school night sleep over. She nodded and got back to work. I sometimes felt bad that Hannah worked for me, well not me but for my dad. It wasn't like he didn't pay her well though. She was about nineteen, had deep set oval shaped eyes that reminded me of liquid chocolate. Her eyebrows were shapely and her eye lashes were long and full even though she never wore any make up. She was tall and everything she wore accented her shape perfectly. Hannah worked for my dad full time but I often gave her breaks. We hung out and had sleep overs and often went shopping and to movies together. The only thing I hated was that she would sometimes slip up and refer to me as "Ms. Claire". Other than that, we always had fun together.

Abby went to the kitchen and filled up a plate with grapes and strawberries for us to eat while we did our homework. Instead of working on our homework, we ended up talking about Rose and Brandon. Abby thought that they were "cute together but you and Brandon are definitely cuter". She then shoved a few grapes into her mouth and went on. "Ask anyone. It's obvious Brandon likes you. Not that you like him though." She rolled her eyes slowly for dramatic effect.

An hour later, after our homework was finished and Hannah had joined us, we were laid out on my bed watching movies and shoving popcorn into our mouths. Hannah had suggested the movie to us, saying that she had seen it before with her boyfriend. Abby looked like she was about to cry. I on the other hand found it hilarious. It was a romantic comedy. Possibly the best one I had ever seen. After the movie, we stayed up all night painting our nails and talking on the phone until we finally fell asleep at four in the morning. Before falling asleep I had made Hannah promise to call into school with an excuse for why Abby and I would be absent.

In the middle of the night, I heard my front door shut and footsteps throughout the house. Waking up Hannah and Abby, we grabbed some form of "weapons" to protect us as we went down to check on the noise. Hannah and I grabbed two batons from under my bed while Abby had her fists. She claimed that she was a black belt in karate but since I had yet to see her in action, I didn't know whether or not to believe her. Either way, since it was my house I decided to go first. I had my baton raised high just in case. Behind me was Hannah and on her heels was Abby.

We crept silently down the stairs and could hear the footsteps echoing in the kitchen. Making our way through the dining room, we tip toed over to the kitchen door. I rounded the corner quickly, baton raised, in hopes of having the element of surprise. The familiar face in front of me caused my baton to drop to the kitchen floor with a sound that reverberated off of the kitchen walls.






Sorry I didn't notice the caps was on! Oh well! VOTE AND COMMENT!!! :)

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