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"HELP! HELP!" the Noblemen shouted, "HELP! THE (L/N) MANOR IS ON FIRE!"


All that could be heard were the sounds of screams and shouts. It was complete chaos.

The (L/n)s were still in their manor while it started to burn to the ground.

While in the halls of the (L/n) Manor.

"NISSHOKU!" (M/n) shouted.

⚠️art is not mine, all credits go to artist Twitter: YOMI @yomi_UR

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⚠️art is not mine, all credits go to artist Twitter: YOMI @yomi_UR

"Yes ma'am?" Nisshoku questioned in a panic. "Where are you? Ma'am? Ma'am where are you?!??"

Nisshoku zoomed around the manor as quickly as possible looking for her master.

Hall after hall and room after room. It was getting harder to breathe as smoke and ash filled the air.


With her master's order, she went to (M/n).

"I'm not gonna make it Nisshoku, the flames won't go out and it's extremely powerful. This is no normal fire, it's definitely a spell, maybe a curse." (M/n)'s breaths were starting to rapidly increase, and become much shorter, "I used the rest of my mana to protect (Y/n), take her and go."

"But ma'am-" (M/n) cut her off.

"I said go, listen to my orders," she said sternly as she began to have a coughing fit.

"Where shall I go? I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be welcomed with the other noble families around us? They are also pretty stuck up and arrogant."

"Go to the outskirts of the kingdom and drop her at an orphanage somewhere." A small smile was placed on her lips, "now go, go."

"Wait I forgot something," (M/n) handed Nisshoku her pearl necklace and the pair of sun and moon drop earrings she was wearing.

"Put these in her basket, they now belong to her. And now you don't serve me anymore, you serve (Y/n)."

Tears started to flood Nisshoku's eyes as she saw her master burn to death.

"Protect her, make sure she's safe. Now go. Bye." And she was gone, now fully engulfed in flames her body slowly turned into only ash and bone.

As tears rolled down Nisshoku's face she tried her best to carry the basket in her tiny hands, using her magic to the best of her ability to keep them in flight.


Whew, this basket is really heavy. How long have I been flying now? A couple of hours? Nisshoku thought.

As Nisshoku arrived at The Far-Remote Village of Hage, she looked around for a place to put (Y/n) is hoping to find a church somewhere.

As she neared a church at Hage, she heard the sound of crying, but it wasn't the sound of (Y/n)'s cries. As she looked around she saw two other baskets on the church's doorstep.

Okay, I'll put (Y/n) there. Once she gets old enough I'll reveal myself to her and become her guardian. In the meantime, I'll just make sure she's safe. She thought.

As she placed down the basket holding (Y/n) she saw that she was still fast asleep. A smile crept onto her face, but then tears threatened to come out of her eyes.

"Protect her, make sure she's safe. Now go. Bye."

(M/n)'s voice still rang around in her head. Only if she could still protect her master as she used to.

She looked down at the other two baskets to see two boys. One with black hair who was calm and sleeping and the other with an ash blond-like hair who was thrashing around in his basket.

Hm. Seems like that ash blond can't shut up. Nisshoku took one last glance at (Y/n) and decided to leave.

Hope you have a good life (Y/n), we'll meet again one day.

And she was gone, disappeared like a paper in the wind.


It was now early morning with the morning air still and foggy. The crying started to commence again.

"Three more for us huh?" The man said.

As he came back inside the church, three baskets in hand he and set the fireplace, warming up the room.

"Ah, there's a good boy. There you go." The man stretched out his back, "I was starting to think you'll never calm down."

The man sat down in a chair and stared at us.

"Are you siblings? About the same age so possibly triplets as well. No, they're neither."

He looked towards the one with black hair.

"This one is sweet and well-behaved."

He turned to the (H/c)ed girl.

"This one is calm and fast asleep. Looking at the jewelry she has, she might be from a noble family. But how could a noble end up in a Village like Hage?"

Finally, he turned towards the ash blond.

"Well, he's a bit spirited." He continued, "and there's the fact that they don't look a thing alike."

He reached down to their baskets to move them just the slightest bit seeing that our names were Yuno, (Y/n), and Asta.

"Welp you had a tough beginning, but your worries are over. As of today you three, this place will be your home."

While the man welcomed the newly orphans to the church, Nisshoku was outside of the window, observing what was happening; relieved that (Y/n) has a new home now.

ayoo. yes I did write another story without updating the other one 😅

well i do hope you'll enjoy my black clover x reader

have a good day! bye bye now

Aphrodite (Black Clover x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now