Chapter 18

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The other Magic Knight Squads were in shock, more like baffled to be honest, by Asta's words.

"You're going to be the next Wizard King?!?!"

"That's complete utter nonsense!!"

The Silva siblings started to cackle at Asta's "Stupid" words.

"THAT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY!!!!" The siblings shouted as they unleashed their spells at Asta.

Using his sword, Asta deflected the magical spells sent towards him, but soon after that, he was caught in Sandler's Sand Restraint Trap.

This is getting way out of hand. (Y/n) began to ponder a way to get Asta out without getting reprimanded herself.

Walking forward, Solid began to question the Golden Dawn's leniency of Asta's punishment.

"It's for fools like this that go off running their mouth that need to be stern with gory Punishment..." Solid began forming a spell, "so that neither they nor anyone will try this again."

Dispelling Solid's spell, Asta bolted towards him and managed to put the noble on his knees.


Before Solid could do anything to retaliate, his brother Nozel stepped in.

Nozel began to spew on and on about how it's a waste on wasting precious royal magical power on a lowly commoner. Dirty rats you might say.

This feeling, (Y/n) began to tremble a bit. The power and mana coming from Captain Nozel is like... the same feeling and pressure as Captain Yami's!?

The boy from House Vermilion, Leopold, suddenly declared rivalry between Asta and him.

Asta was just shocked?


"Yeah, the two of them are my cousins," Mimosa answered.

"Well yeah, it makes sense after all. All the Royal family names such as Kira, Vermillion, and Silva are related," (Y/n) said.

The standoff between the two royals began. Nozel and Fuegoleon's mana roared in the room, it was quite the display. Terrifyingly beautiful.

Out of nowhere, someone burst into the room. "WE HAVE TROUBLE!!!" They shouted, "OUR KINGDOM IS UNDER ATTACK!!!"

Terror began to sweep over the people of Clover.

The 3D model map that a member of the Golden Dawn made of Castle Town was in a complete mess, building were being destroyed one after another. The model was what was happening to Castle Town in real life.

The invaders intruded upon the Clover Kingdom completely unnoticed.

"Hey!! What are we waiting for!!!" Without conducting a plan, Asta was already on the move. "There are people who need help!!! So I'm going to help!"

Leopold was right on Asta's tail, they rushed out not even planning their next moves to save Castle Town.

Captain Fuegoleon conducted a plan, they were to head over to the Northern section, which included Noelle and (Y/n). The Silver Eagles were in charge of the section of Castle Town with the most Mana circulating around it. Off to the East, the Blue Rose Knights were sent to take charge. Lastly, the Golden Dawn was split into two, they were to take care of the Northwest and Eastern areas.

That idiot better stay safe, (Y/n)'s worries were starting to get to her head. I can't worry now, not at this time. We need to save Castle Town immediately.

"Hato, give me details about the situation and the people of Castle Town's location."

"On it!" He said as he popped up from nowhere.

"Thanks Hato," (Y/n) began to compile the information that's been given.

How am I going to contribute to this? Of course, I'll be there to support the rest of the Knights, but how should I carry on with that?

She began to ponder a bit, but it was not the time for that.


All over Castle Town were some sort of zombies? They weren't alive that's for sure, but they had magical power inside of them.

"If that's the case," Fuegoleon began. "WE JUST NEED TO BREAK THEM TO THE POINT THAT THEY CAN'T MOVE ANYMORE!!!"

They began taking them out one after another with their spells.

(Y/n) was casting Aether: Shooting Stars, each one of these light darts was impaling these monsters. Each dart had the strength to immobilize them, but over time the darts could get weaker and weaker.

I hope my mana doesn't run out before this battle ends, that would be a real pain in the ass. More than Asta is. (Y/n) thought, what other spell could I use?

"Sir Fuegoleon," she asked.

"Yes! What do you need, the girl from the Black Bulls?!" He shouted.

"How long will this barrage of zombies last? We need to find your brother and Asta!" She questioned.

"Don't worry about them! They'll be fine! In the meantime make sure the people here are safe!" Captain Fuegoleon answered, "I have complete faith in them and you should too!"

"Yes sir!"

The people are the priority here. I need to stop worrying about Asta, he'll be fine. I know it!

(Y/n) began to push through. In just a couple of minutes, the zombies were down, seems like the shooting stars did more than expected.

its been a while hasn't it?

well i do hope you enjoyed this chapter!

tysm for reading and voting my story guys! i appreciate the support!

i might be posting another chapter soon after this one, so watch out for that!


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