Chapter 2

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---Oliver's POV---
I was a bit shocked at what he said. He looked at me with a blush on his face.

"Look, I know we just met but I want to be best friends with you. Maybe more" He said. "If you want! We don't have to right now!" He quickly added on, waving his hands in front of his face.

I just smiled, shook my head laughing, and took his hand and dragged him to our next class. While we were walking I brought up the host club. "Can I go to the host club if I allow you to come with me?" I ask, still holding his hand. He was now in the lead because I had no idea where I was going. "Fine. But only if I get to go with you" He stated and dragged me into a classroom.

Not many people were in here. He just brought me over to an empty seat next to the window and sat down. I sat down next to him and waited for class to start.

---Time skip brought to you by an author who knows nothing about highschool math (End of the day)---
---Still Oliver's POV---
It was finally the end of the day. I was tired and hungry. We also have math homework to do.

Mike grabs my hand and leads me to Music room 3. We took like 10 steps before I got tired. I didn't want to to ask Mike to carry me so I just fiddled around with my dog collar.

"We're almost there Ollie. Ok?" He told me. I just nodded my head and continued to walk. I guess he noticed I was tired and crouched down. "C'mon. You get have a piggyback ride to the club" I nodded and climbed on.

We made it to the a room and Mike set me down. I opened the door and a blinding light and a bunch of rose petals flew towards me. "Welcome"

I rubbed my eyes that were blind fron the light and looked at the voices.

I saw Tamaki and Kyoya from my class. I started fiddling with my collar. "Oh, it's Oliver! I didn't think you would come. Anyway, welcome to the host club" Tamaki says. Some twins look at me and then my collar. "Hey, why do you wear a collar?" They ask in sync.

I just back up behind Mike. He wraps his arms around me and holds me to his side. "Hikaru! Kaoru! You're scaring the poor boy!" Says a brown haired... girl? She walks up to me and holds her hand out. "I'm Haruhi Fujioka" She says with a smile.

"O-Oliver G-Gray. A-are you a g-girl?" I ask. It just came out of my mouth. "Ahh! I-I'm so s-sorry" I quickly say after I realized what I said. She just smiles and nods her head. "Yep! Haha it took them all a least a day to find out" She says, gesturing to the boys in the background.

"Haruhi!! Daddy didn't know! I'm sorry!!!" Tamaki whines out. Kyoya just steps on his foot and makes him quiet.

"Anyways, This is Hikaru and Kaoru. That is Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai. I think you know Tamaki and Kyoya" She explains pointing to each of them.

I just nod my head and stopped playing with my collar.

The twins come over and grab me. They drag me over to Kyoya and Tamaki. "Hello Oliver" Kyoya says while writing in his black notebook.

He looks up and notices my collar. "Cute" He says while looking at the collar. I just blush and look down.

Tamaki looks down at it to and touches it. I kinda like the feeling of that.

"Hey Oliver! How would you like to join the host club?" He asks, still playing with my collar. "I got it! You can be the cute type!" He suddenly exclaimed.

"U-uh sure" He just starts jumping around and shaking me. Kyoya pulls me out of his grasp and pulls me to him.

"Welcome to the host club Oliver" They all say. I just blush, say thank you, and look towards Mike.

He doesn't look to happy. I just walk up to him and hug him around the waist. "You can sit with me during the club if you want." I tell him. He just nods his head and hugs me back.

"Oliver! We have to start" Haruhi says and walks to a table with a couch. "This is your table, ok?" She tells me and I drag Mike over to the table.

Mike sits down and pulls me next to him. He was laying long ways and I was laying on my stomach on his chest.

The club has started and I had at least 5 girls at our table. "Sorry ladies, I'm just tired" I said in a soft voice.

"It's ok Ollie. I'll hold you" Mike said. That got all the girls to squeal and same even fainted. (Or got

"He's so cute!!"

"Oliver looks so cute on his arms!!"

"It's ok! You can take a nap Oliver!"

"Thanks guys" I said and closed my eyes. I opened them back up and started asking the girls some questions. "So what are your guys favorite colors?" I ask.



"Baby blue"

"Baby pink"

That got my attention. "R-really? That's my favorite color to!!" I said really excited. "Really Ollie? That's so cute" Mike said from underneath me, hugging me more.

Kyoya came over and tapped on my shoulder. I looked at him and he told me I need to come with him. "Mike, I need you to let go"

"Noooo" He whines and held on tighter. "I'll come back. I just need to see what Kyoya-senpai needs"  I tell him. He loosens his grip and I get up to follow Kyoya.

He leads me over to a table in the back and sits down. He pat's the seat next to him. I sit down and he just starts talking to his guest.

"So ladies, this is our newest host, Oliver" He explains motioning towards me. I just smile and wave while rubbing the back of my neck. We sat there talking for a bit and asking questions. Soon I thought I should go back over to Mike.

"Is that all you needed Kyo-senpai?" I ask. "Awww! He called you Kyo!!!" The girls exclaim.

He just nods, having a blush on his face. I stand up and go over back to my table. Mike opens his arms and I just climb back in his arms. The twins were doing their twincest thing, Honey was eating cake while Mori was watching.

Haruhi was talking with her guests, laughing quietly. "Sorry ladies I had to leave. I hope you aren't mad at me" I said quietly, looking down.

They frantically wave their hands around, shaking their heads. "No, no. It's fine. Mike here was keeping us company" They said. I look at Mike, shocked. He just smiles and kisses my cheek. I blush and the girls start squealing.

---Time Skip to after the club---
Mori's POV
I was looking at Micheal holding Oliver in is arms sadly. Not really sad but I just didn't really like it.

I don't know why I was feeling this. I ignored the feeling for now and wiped cake off of Mitsukuni's face.

The club was over and all the ladies left. Mitsukuni climbed onto my shoulder and we walked over to the other host's.

"Tomorrow we are going on vacation!! To Kyoya's family's beach resort!" Tamaki explains. This is going to be good.

Hello!! Thanks for reading. Don't forget to vote. That would mean a lot to me. This is my second book because I got kicked out of my old account. Anyways, I think I'm going to either put Oliver with Kyoya or Mori or Tamaki. MAYBE, but Idk

Also, I don't know many Japanese names so if you know some I could use, please comment them. Or not. Which ever one works for you. Bye!

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