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A patron of mine, the lovely Julia, requested I do a crossover between Freeze Frame, Mind Boggled, and Feral. Many people have been asking for this so I decided it was time! This was originally an early access on Patreon, but it was too long not to post here for all of you who've also wanted it.

Now, this is less of a one shot and more of a short book mashed into one part. It comes out to over 50,000 words 💀 so buckle up and get comfortable. For reference, that's about 16 chapters, all compiled into a massive single part. Good luck, soldiers.  Not even kidding. Shit got outta hand real fast.


Third person pov

Quirks were fickle, powerful things. Their occurrence couldn't be explained by science alone. They seemingly materialized one day out of nowhere, developing in individuals across the globe. The commonality of these abilities spread across the many nations of the world and changed life as they all knew it. Societies struggled to adjust to this sudden change, as it brought many problems with it. Though life finally seemed to have settled into this new normal, there were still plenty of things they were unaware of. Anomalies that simply couldn't be identified or described in any manner that made sense.

It was by mere coincidence alone that three individuals from three different universes would be directly impacted by the same quirk. The ability came from seemingly no one and from nowhere in particular, and traversed its way into their lives, interconnecting them and sucking them from their respective universes before they could very much process what was happening. One minute Lillian Aizawa was chatting with her friends, and the next she was falling through a hole that'd appeared from seemingly nowhere. And all she could really think was 'oh, shit.'

Harper Rye had a similar experience. She was trying to tell Kurogiri that she was fine, and that no, she wouldn't be getting kidnapped again. Of course it was her luck that a hole would open up underneath her and swallow her into the floor before anyone could very much react. She wasn't exactly shocked. The last thing she heard was Kurogiri and Sansa shrieking their heads off before she was falling. Harper was truly far, far too tired for this at the moment. Kidnapped? Again? She wondered if this shit ever ended at this point.

The last individual to be punted into the force of this odd quirk was Kittrick Suzuko. Lacking any shoes, he found himself wondering what the fuck he'd managed to do this time, and how the hell he was supposed to reverse it. Tenya's shocked face was the last thing he'd seen before he was dropping. Pretty fucking hilarious, but also kind of concerning at the same time. He had other things to worry about. Like how he was going to land. Yes, he had plenty of skills despite being quirkless. Landing safely after falling a couple dozen feet wasn't one of those. 

"God, was it something I ate?" Lillian murmured to herself as she fell. Her hair whipped around her, smacking at her face and making her wish she'd let Katsuki braid it before now. Had she known she'd be in this situation, she'd have let him without a hint of hesitation. You won some, you lost some. She felt too panicked to freak out right now. This had come out of the left field so strongly that she didn't even have it in herself to cry or freak out. Just go over the events of the day in an attempt to find out what in god's name had caused this mess.

Harper crossed her arms over her chest tightly as her trench coat flapped, wondering if this was how Stain felt when Kurogiri had him falling through those portals. The girl didn't know. She just wanted it to end. It was painfully quiet here. The silence was too much, and at this rate, her headache was going to morph its way into a migraine. Not what she'd wanted today, really. Today had started off so well too. No fucks to give and no real bullshit to deal with. Aside from Kurogiri's daily panic attack, which always took place between the hours of two and three in the afternoon, Harper had finally gotten what one could call a 'slow' day. Or so she'd thought.

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