Chaotic Lillian

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Havoc_And_Weird, I believe you requested the Chaotic Lillian and Lawful Lillian body swapping. So Lawful Lillian, the one we know and love, wakes up in the body of Chaotic Lillian. And vice versa. Hopefully I'm getting that right because the DMs are gone for some reason for me. Yeet! 

I confused even myself trying to write this, so if you're lost, don't worry. We're all in the same boat-

Half of this is edited and half is,,,, not so YEET sorry for typos

Third person pov

The multiverse is a complicated thing. To put it simply, there are several universes. There is more than one Lillian in existence. Each one is different and unique, whether one be straight, one be lesbian, one be male, one have anger issues. The point is-- the shy Lillian we all know and love is not the only Lillian out there, which is really how this happened to begin with. The existence of multiple versions of herself really did mess things up.

In one universe, there is what some might call a chaotic Lillian. There is nothing shy about her. She's loud, and abrasive, and smiles wildly, and breaks rules. She'll takes shots of alcohol despite being under-aged with zero hesitation and is known for her party-animal status. With short, wild hair and a grin that never fades, she's a bouncy, spunky little thing. Everything about her screams trouble. She has a potty mouth, never bothering to listen to authority. She is nothing like the lawful Lillian we all know and love. They're opposites.

So of course, by some twist of fate, they would end up switching bodies. Maybe it was a quirk, maybe the higher powers got bored and wanted to watch some shit go down. Either way, spunky Lillian found herself waking up in the body of shy Lillian, and shy Lillian found herself waking up in the body of spunky Lillian. And hey, maybe she wasn't the only one to switch.

What ensued... well, let's just say it wasn't good.


Aizawa was still getting used to living with Lillian. It was a lot to go from living completely alone to having a teenager staying with him. Of course, he loved Lillian. She was a quiet and polite house guest. She had her own flaws, but he had his own as well. They were both learning to deal. If Lillian stared at him for a long amount of time, he'd know he'd either left out empty juice packets instead of throwing them away, or he'd accidentally put an empty container back in the freezer when it was supposed to go in the trash. In contrast, he'd awkwardly hover, and she'd know she forgot to take her clothes out of the dryer, or that Yeet was in his bed again.

Another thing she wasn't good at was getting up in the morning. A lot of times, Aizawa found himself knocking on her door and softly telling her it was time to get ready for the day. And he'd smile fondly at the tired groan that came from the other side of the door, and the dull thump that signaled she'd quite literally rolled out of bed. It was just a part of their routine. He'd make breakfast, go get her, and then they'd eat together.

Today, however, the ritual was broken. Snapped in two like a damn saltine if you asked Aizawa. 

Lillian's door opened with a bang like a gunshot, causing Aizawa to look up from the pancakes he was attempting to make. Lillian came absolutely bouncing down the hall, an invigorated grin on her face and her eyes alight with mischief that wasn't usually present in her expression. Aizawa blinked slowly at her as she skidded into the room, looking around curiously. Her eyes came to rest on him, and her head cocked as though she wondered why he was there. He raised his eyebrows in question. This was unlike her, and he was honestly a bit concerned.

Freeze Frame: One-Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें