Pan in Panic

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I wrote this for a patron, but scrolling back into the depths of our conversations, I find that I halfway wrote the wrong thing and that she wanted it on Wattpad because we need more Lesbians. So everyone say thank you to the amazing SUi SMADiS who came up with this amazing idea! And I also apologise for forgetting some of the details you asked me to add in. Not very responsible of me hahah (':

Third person pov

Lillian didn't want to get ahead of herself and say she was in love, but she was pretty sure she was in love.

Now, she was no expert on this sort of thing. In fact, she was probably one of the worst out there, being as reclusive and anti-social as she was. All she knew was that she was pansexual and girl was just slightly nice to her and now it was all over. Really, Lillian's standards weren't high. That being said, this girl was a special one. Genuinely nice and noble, and strong and bold in ways Lillian could probably never be. That's not to be said the freckled girl didn't find it attractive anyway. That, and the girl had a good sense of humor to boot. She was a whole package, and Lillian was being thrown overboard into a sea of feelings she really, really didn't want to deal with.

Besides, this whole thing has been set into motion when she was a child. Lillian was almost convinced meeting this girl she somehow been fate, and the girl felt the same way. After Lillian told her a brief play-by-play of her life, she'd smiled, grabbed her hands— yes, grabbed them. Lillian has almost died— and insisted them having become friends was no mere coincidence. Lillian was pretty sure that was the exact moment she'd realized she has a crush on her.

Thing was, crushes were insanely complicated. And Lillian's simple little city-girl mind wasn't properly computing. Not a gamer move.

Lillian's parents, June and Hisato Faust, had been forced to uproot and move their small family when she was rather young. The cheapest place they could get was an apartment bundled with a small shop that came beneath it. It was run down and beat up when they first got it, but with work, they'd gotten it up and running. Lillian had done most of it. At the young but bright age of eight, she'd made the decision to open a cat cafe. She'd been to one before, and had absolutely fallen in love with the idea of bringing in cats that needed homes. Cats were constantly circulating in, getting adopted by patrons only to be replaced when by another cat that needed adopting.

Her business was small but a success. It was enough to pay the bills if they needed, but Lillian's parents insisted she use the money to keep the shop running and to save the rest for the future. So that's what she did. She single-handedly ran a shop, occasionally accepting the help of a few of her most loyal customers when the rush got to be a little too much. Her cafe was quaint and didn't get a lot of business at once usually, but at times there'd be a surge and things would get too hectic for her to manage. At times her best friend would come in to lend a hand, or her best-best friend would roll up if she called to help juggle tea and crumpets.

Right now wasn't one of those busy times, however. Right now, the slow down was so intense, Lillian found herself sitting down and taking a breather. Only sitting down and taking a breather gave her time to fret over her life choices and if course, her crush. She wasn't trained for this! She knew how to make coffee, tea, muffins, and hot chocolates. Not deal with regular emotions most teenagers her age felt at some point and time! Damn nature and God for not make her aromatic. It would make things so much simpler.

"I don't know, Mr. Aizawa, Mr. Gunhead." Lillian groaned, sitting across from her two most frequent customers. Mr. Aizawa worked at UA high where her crush just so happened to attend, and Gunhead was a sweet man who looked rather intimidating for someone who liked cats and unicorn frappes so much. He was actually really cute once you got to know him, as odd as that sounded. "Sh-She said she's busy with exams, but I'm just worried..."

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