Chapter 2: The Demon

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I let the darkness -my darkness- melt away.

There was a presence heading toward me, but what did I care? I did not bother to wonder why I couldn't quite determine the power of the presence. No one in this world could challenge me, after all.

So I stood there, my weapons hidden away, my power scattered. Maybe this stranger would make me feel something.

I'd just returned from Purgatory -had felt the vengeful winds claw at my flesh, felt the horrid chill and sudden blaze of heat. Now all I felt was an odd emptiness. I was... numb.

I prepared to feel the rush of battle. I prepared to feel the blaze of my wrath. I prepared to feel.

Instead, the creature that landed in front of me fell far short of the mark.

In any other situation, I may have found her lovely. Oh, she was... but pretty faces were common. Power wasn't.

But her wings betrayed her to be of goddess blood. Perhaps she would entertain me, if only for a moment.

The goddess stepped softly toward me, and I turned pitch-black eyes on her. I heard her gasp of surprise, her wide golden eyes taking in my form. I smirked.

The goddess' hands immediately filled with light, and I felt one brow lift in surprise. The girl was stronger than I thought she'd be, and my smirk widened ever so slightly as she advanced on me.

And then I turned the full force of my Commandment on her.

The girl just took another step. Then another.

She stopped just in front of me, and I wondered how she hid the effort it took to stand so close to me. My Commandment must be sapping her strength, stopping her from coming any closer.

She gave me a tired smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Hello, child, are you lost? I can help you return to your village." Then she hovered her glowing hands over me, and all my aches and pains melted away. Grabbing my hand, she led me away." Come, your village awaits!"

She... thought I was a human boy? It wasn't out of the question, I had none of my darkness, my weapons and power were veiled. Even my demon mark was hidden. As for my eyes... well, humans had dark eyes too, didn't they? It was already night, so it wasn't like the girl could see them clearly. She probably thought they were just dark brown.

That gave me the answer as to how the goddess had avoided the effects of my Commandment of Love: why would she feel any measure of hatred for a human? But I was unused to touch that didn't bring pain, and I offered no resistance as the goddess pulled me toward 'my' village.


"It looks like I'll be staying here for a while." The goddess forced a kind smile and continued,"We can stay together for the night, and then we can find your parents tomorrow. Deal?"

I could ask the goddess certain things while she believed I was human... or at least that would be the excuse. It would be a pain to pretend to be human, but it was better than having Zeldris find me. Knowing him, he'd probably find me by sniffing after my magic like some bloodhound. Then I'd have to listen to his nagging again.

I wasn't in any mood to have an all out fight with my brother either. This goddess seemed more amiable, and, even if she blew my cover, it wasn't like she would full-on attack me in the middle of a human settlement. Not that it would do much damage. Besides, this goddess seemed like the sentimental type.

So I only nodded mutely.

"So what's your name? Just calling you 'child' seems kind of patronizing." The goddess gave me another tight -likely fake- smile, and I dearly wished she'd stop doing that. It was annoying, these goddesses. They were never truly genuine, so how was anyone supposed to get along with them?

The Lost and The Fallen -Melizabeth-Where stories live. Discover now