Chapter 4: In which a Demon makes a Mistake

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I stared at all the reports from the Commandments, growing more disturbed with each sloppily written nightmare.

How had we lost so much in the short time I'd been away at Purgatory?

Derieri and Monspeet? Loss.

Galant and Melascula? Loss.

Aranak and Zeno? Loss.

The only pair that had achieved a victory was Calmadios and Gowther, but it was likely Gowther was the one being useful, and Calmadios had just full-on charged like he always had.

We couldn't afford to lose anymore important fights.

At least there was no way Zeldris could have lost with Grayroad as his partner.

Speaking of the demons... I flicked my eyes toward the entrance, where a furious Zeldris stormed in. Alone.

That couldn't possibly be good.

"Meliodas! You need to see the state of my army! The goddesses have done something to them!"

I sighed, briefly debating punching Zeldris through the hard stone wall. After all, what could possibly be worse than them just dying? If Zeldris was just being dramatic...

"Fine. Show me. Now." I stood, crossing my arms and staring expectantly at my brother. I was not at all looking forward to laying eyes on his most recent military disgrace.

He brought me to where his army was gathered... and the sight that greeted me was truly far worse than death.

* * *

"What is the meaning of this?" I demanded, expecting the demons shrink back or prostrate themselves at my feet. They did neither.

"Peace! We must have peace! Peace with the Goddess Clan! A treaty must be written... " There was a nearly fanatical gleam in the eyes of these demons, making them look slightly deranged.

"Who? Who did this?" I grabbed Zeldris by the throat, holding him up with one hand.

"A-a silver haired goddess..." he gasped out.

"Zeldris! You have to give me more to work with!" I tossed Zeldris away like a broken doll, hissing in disgust.

"H-how about... curvy, of medium height, and she was shiny and all that." Zeldris said, somehow managing to gasp for breath and sound sarcastic at the same time.

Great. He had basically described half of the Goddess Clan, down to how ridiculously shiny they were.

"You shouldn't have trouble figuring out who she is, though... s-she was powerful. Very much so... maybe even more than Sariel or Tarmiel of the archangels." He added on, noticing my murderous expression.

A regular goddess more powerful than archangels... was she the daughter of the Supreme Deity?

If that was true... this would not end well.

" Zeldris, contact Grayroad, we're going to kill that goddess."

The rest of the Commandments were still recovering, and would just get in the way... and I had no idea how long the goddess' spell would last. I had to act now.

So, with the calls for peace piercing the night sky, I flew off.

* * *

By the time we arrived at the location Zeldris had indicated, it was nearly dawn. The goddess' camp was instantly recognizable by all the lush vegetation surrounding it -a side effect of their powers.

The Lost and The Fallen -Melizabeth-Where stories live. Discover now