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Your POV
A week later

I sat on the edge of my bed, staring mindlessly at the stone wall, taking in all the little details that I've gone over time and time again. The small cracks, the dents, the only true interruption of the cold, grey color being the white, iron door in the middle.

I looked up at the ceiling, made of the same stone. The one lantern that hung from the ceiling produced barely any light. My gaze drifted back to the door, it made me think of the Hermits. The bases and shops that they would use them in and the minigames and pranks.

Cant wait to go back...

But would I ever go back? I thought about my fate for the hundredth time that day, and probably the millionth time since I've been here. I tossed the thought away and went somewhere else in my mind, the only safe place I had at the time. I went back through my old memories in Hermitcraft. I shut my eyes and placed myself back in my own place.

This time I went back to my first day there. I put myself back on the floor behind Grian as they spoke about my arrival and getting me comfortable with the new setting.

A sting of pain brought me back to the present. I had moved my wrists too much and it cracked some burned skin. I winced as I brought my arm to my chest, causing more pain from the movement.

I wanted to cry, but I didn't. I had to stay strong and get through this if I ever wanted to see the light of day again. Out of all the time I'd been here, I've only cried three or four times, excluding after every 'training' session. I've been able to hold it in for two-ish months. Or has it been three? Four? I lost track awhile ago but knew it had been a long time.

Carefully, I laid down on my bed, careful to not drop my back completely. The wounds on my back which had been revealed by my worn clothes hurt if there was pressure on them. I would lay on my front but it hurt just the same when I breathed in that position. Everything I did, every time I moved, it caused pain. There was no comfortable way to sit or lay or stand, I just had to deal with it.

I heard a creaking to my left and opened my eyes. I watched silently as the door opened and Lazlo walked in. I sat up painfully with and wince to greet him or at least try to. I just looked up at him, my voice hardly being an option.

"Hey squirt." Lazlo said bluntly. I knew the tone of voice meant I had to go to the room with the machine. I stood shakily and walked over to Lazlo who carefully tied the rope on my wrists. It hurt, but he kept the rope from tightening too far. He walked me down the many halls and through the doors. I stared at the floor the whole time knowing every turn we had to take and the amount of steps it took to get there.

"Thank you Lazlo. You may go, I'll call you back when were finished."  Zhuvito said, taking my wrists after Lazlo, somewhat reluctantly, released me. I felt tears at the corners of my eyes as his dark hands gripped below mine. He dragged me across the ground to the metal machine, hooking me up to it. The process began again, the pain nearly unbearable. I screamed and struggled, but as usual it didn't help.

1 hour later

I was dropped from the machine, my cheeks tear stained, throat raw from yelling, wrists red and pink from things rubbing against my burns. I stayed on the ground as Lazlo was called upon by Zhuvito. I was breathing so hard between gasps from sobbing that I could probably hyperventilate. I couldn't  comprehend my surroundings at the time, only the sharp stings of every breath.

I felt a hand on my back, startling me slightly.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." I heard Lazlo's voice and calmed down a bit, still breathing unsteadily. He wrapped my wrists gently in the rope and took me back to my cell. My wrists were released and I shakily walked over to my bed, tears still streaming down my face. I sat on the edge, my breath hitching as I tried to be quiet.

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