52. There's no way

Start from the beginning

Even after a few hits the alpha is somehow still conscious and grabs my arm to make me stop. Nothing can stop me now. The mere thought of him marking Seokjin against his will angers me enough to want to murder this guy. I'll kill him. I'll fucking kill him. 

A gentle hand on my shoulder makes me freeze up instantly and as I turn my head I meet Seokjin's big eyes. He shakes his head at me and I realize that the alpha is in fact bleeding from the back of his head. 

"JK, don't," he says. 

"Why not?"

"What do you mean why not? You'll be a criminal and get sent off to jail."

I chuckle at him before banging the man's head against the car yet again.

"I won't go to jail, Hyung. Don't worry."

I'll be dead before they can catch me after all.

"No, JK, please stop. You're furious, I can see that, but doing this won't solve anything."

"Am I just imagining things or are you trying to protect him? Because I swear if you actually like him after what he said and did to you-"

"I'm not trying to protect him! Can't you see I just don't want you to get in trouble because of me? Stop this and come to your senses."

Come to my senses? I don't have any common sense left. But even now, after everything that's happened, I still can't say no to Seokjin. I let the man go. He groans and tries getting up to no avail. His balance must be ruined. I look at Seokjin and he breathes out in relief. Looking at him gives me a really weird pain in my stomach. I feel uncomfortable for some reason. Do I feel guilty?

"You did the right thing letting him go," Seokjin says. 

"I don't agree, but whatever pleases you."

He thinks about what else to say but his soft voice turns into a horrified scream as something whacks me hard in the back of the head. I black out immediately and when I crack my eyes open again I'm lying face down in the snow while Seokjin desperately shakes my shoulder. It feels like only a second went by but there's no way of really telling. 

"JK, oh my god, can you hear me?!"

I can hear him alright, but I can't really do much else. I try propping myself up but it's like the ground disappears beneath me and I fall back down again. Fuck. I knew that slimy bastard would pull a dirty trick like that and yet I fell for it. He pretended to be unconscious for a sneak attack. Clever, but really fucking slimy.

"It's my win," I hear him say somewhere behind my back. "Stay down or I'll hit you again for good measure."

"I won't give up," I mumble to the best of my ability. "If you want to win... you have to kill me."

I try again to get up but there's no strength left in my body. I'm freezing cold and my muscles are out of energy. The world is spinning around me. 

"Sorry, but I can't kill you or else Jinnie here will make sure to prosecute me. Do you just have a death wish or something, pal? Give up already and admit defeat."


"Ugh, you're so annoying. Fine, I'll show you that it's my win."

I manage to turn my head only to see him raise a metal pipe over his head to swing down at me. I have no strength to fight it and the only thing that comes to mind is to close my eyes and brace for the impact. Before it can hit me Seokjin covers me with his body and I hear the pipe strikes his back. He winces in pain but continues hugging me for dear life. The alpha huffs at him.

"Jin, what the fuck are you doing?"

"I'm protecting him from you," he answers through gritted teeth.

"You're not supposed to interfere! What kind of fight is that? You shouldn't even need to protect him in the first place! If he wanted to battle then he should accept the consequences!"

"That doesn't mean that I agree to the consequences. I won't let you hurt him any more."

"Why are you protecting such a weak loser?! I'm obviously a better choice! I can stand my own unlike that sad excuse of an alpha."

"He's the best alpha this world has ever seen and I would not trade him for anything even at gunpoint! Leave or else I will fight you myself."

He scoffs in disbelief. 

"You're gonna fight me? You're nothing compared to me, omega. I'd like to see you try."

To my surprise Seokjin actually stands up. Is he out of his mind? What is he doing?

"Hyung, stop," I say to him while reaching for his leg but he just shushes me. "Really, Hyung, I'm fine. I'll take him on myself. I can protect you. I can-"

"Not now, JK. Let me protect you for once. You're not the only one who should be able to stand up for us."

Seokjin walks up to his coworker and doesn't hesitate to slap him. It's just like he did to me all those weeks ago. It doesn't come as a surprise that the hit only makes the recipient laugh mockingly.

"That's all you got? A little open handed hit? Feels like I got bit my a mosquito and nothing more. Despite that I still need to show you your place for laying your hand upon me, omega. I don't take that kind of disrespect lightly. Know your place."

The alpha charges at Seokjin, swinging the pipe at full strength. It hits Seokjin's upper arm with a loud smack and he screams out loud with pain. I desperately force my legs to move, but I fall down to my knees as soon as I try standing up. Seokjin grabs the pipe in hopes of stealing it from his attacker, but in a battle of strength there's just no way he can win. The alpha throws him off and hits him yet again. Seokjin gets forced down on the ground, shielding his head as the metal hits him over and over. He whimpers in pain, clearly having given up already but nonetheless the beating continues. 

I've seen more than enough. My heart works at more than full capacity as I gather up the tiny bit of strength I've regained and and use it to lounge myself at the monster who hurt my man. He falls down with me on top of him. I honestly don't know where I get it from, but I wring the metal pipe out of his hand and press it against his throat. He chips for air but he won't be getting any. Seconds tick on by and the fear on his face increases as I crush his airways. The face he's staring at however shows no emotion at all. I'm neither happy nor sad about killing him. It just has to be done. There's simply no way I'd ever let a monster like him get Seokjin. There's no way. I feel him double tap my arm to show him defeat but I have no plans on stopping. Not after he hurt my hyung. My mate. My everything. 

Suddenly I'm pulled backwards by Seokjin's arms and the pipe rolls away on the ground with a clattering sound. He holds me tight from the back to stop me from finishing the job. At this point I probably couldn't do it even though I want to. I'm out of the zone and the exhaustion creeps up on me again. My heart slows down, tired from the sudden overdrive it was put through. It's just as tired as I am. I relax against Seokjin's warm body while watching the alpha slowly scramble to his feet. He pants trying to get some air and looks at us with wild eyes. 

"You're both insane," he says with a sore throat. "No person in the world would ever be worth this much trouble. I give up, so don't come after me again. I don't plan on dying because of some dirty male omega."

He stumbles away to his own car before driving away with a screech. It's first when the car is long gone and silence settles that Seokjin reluctantly lets go of me. I sit up and I feel his cautious eyes on my back. He probably has tons of questions right now. Why am I here? Why am I dressed in a suit for seemingly no reason? And why am I risking my life just to save him? I consider trying to leave without talking first, but he might find that suspicious. I'll stay with him for a while before getting back to business. I have to make sure he's alright. I can't rest in peace otherwise. 

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