Louis and Harry

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When a short boy with feathery hair, ocean blue eyes and more siblings than you could count on one hand moved into the house across the street, Harry immediately decided that they were going to be best friends.

He had crossed the small street separating the lanes of houses on each side and knocked lightly on the front door. At the time, Harry was only 6 years old. He thought everything in the world was lovely, like a fairytale where all evil could be defeated by love and kindness.

The woman that opened the door looked nice. She had big kind eyes and hair that passed her shoulders by more than a bit. She had smiled and introduced herself as Jay.

"Hi! I'm Harry," the 6-year old boy had said back with a bright smile. Jay had decided, right then and there, that this boy was the most pure and innocent boy she would ever meet. She had introduced him to her son and they quickly became the best of friends.

Over time, the two boys had become inseparable. They did everything together, told each other everything, and saw each other every day. Even if they were sick or one of them were on vacation, they found a way to see each other every day.

They grew up together, started school together, even though they were in different grades. Harry were always the shy kid in class but got loud and energetic whilst being with Louis. They spent the night at each other's houses over the weekends and, as they grew older, sometimes stayed up so late to study that they ended up sleeping over during the week too.

This one time, Harry and Louis had been at a party that their friend Liam hosted. They had just gone on summer break, and the annual party was held at Liam's house. Liam, Niall, and Zayn were all good friends of Harry and Louis and would often notice the pair zoning out looking at each other. They all knew that the two boys had some feelings that went deeper then platonic. It was so obvious that they felt like laughing when the pair continuously denied it.

When the five boys would hang out, sat by the table to eat, or play a video game, Harry and Louis would always make sure to sit next to each other. They clung to each other like two magnets that was attached with such force that it was impossible to separate them.

They often shared delicate touches in places that should not be considered platonic and gazed into each other's eyes so intensely, that it seemed like they were in their own world. The three other boys had concluded that yes, Louis and Harry disappeared into their own little world when they locked eyes, and yes, the boys were in love with each other. The sad thing was, with a love that strong and a bond that unbreakable, they didn't even know it themselves.

Harry and Louis had spent the night dancing in Liam's big house. They shared a few drinks and laughed with their friends. When Harry got tired, which he usually got before the older lad, he said he would go home. He left the party and went home to slip under the big and comfy covers of his newly made bed.


The day after the party, when Harry happily walked over the small road to Louis' house, Louis didn't answer the door. Today, Jay did.

Harry immediately sensed that something was wrong. Louis always answered the door because he knew what times Harry usually came over.

Jay gave Harry a sad smile. Her eyes were slightly red in their outline and her nose seemed rosier than normal.

"Are you okay, Jay?" Harry had asked with concern.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine darling." She had replied. "I think Louis wants to see you."

Harry smiled at that. He loved to see Louis.

When Jay opened the door wider and let Harry in, he rushed up the stairs and frowned when he saw that Louis' door was closed shut. He never closed his door.

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