Mem Cakes

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In my personal opinion, Mem cakes are some of the most fascinating things the octo expansion gave us lore wise. They were fun little collectibles, but also make you want to think about their purpose and what they mean.

And, as tough as it was, I completed every station in the DLC to get every mem cake. (Still haven't beaten inner agent 3 yet 😔 but she's a whole other can of worms that I'll get into another time)

We're not gonna go into super detail over ALL of them and their poems today (unless you guys want that!) but just the ones that seem important enough to discuss right now.

What we already know

It's stated by C.Q. Cumber, as well as the splatoon wiki, that mem cakes are physical manifestations of agent 8's lost memories. You get them by completing a stage in the deep sea metro. However this raises.. lots of questions. For starters some of these mem cakes are surface things that agent 8 shouldn't have known about? Like salmonid, or pearl, or the shop keepers, or the clothing brands. And that's not even all the things she shouldn't know about!

Going off what we already know, out of the 80 mem cakes 8 should reasonably only have lost memories of around 38 mem cakes. (I counted the ones)

This includes:

• the entire inkling line
• the entire octarian line
• the respawn point, the bumper, the squid bumper, and the balloons
• the entire weapon line
• marina
• the entire hero mode line

First, a short explanation on why these make sense for 8 to have memories of. If you wish to skip this segment the next will start in bolded letters

The entire inkling line = inklings are the main enemy of the Octarians so it makes sense every octarian would know about them. The mem cake description of the first one makes the most sense as it depicts 8's conflicted feelings on not wanting to fight inklings. the other 4 make most sense to depict a turf war but for 8's sake it might make more sense for these memories to be off the stories of the great turf war against the inklings.

The entire octarian line = do I need to explain this one? I feel like I don't need to explain this one.

the respawn point, the bumper, the squid bumper, and the balloons = these are all items that can be found in the sections of hero mode, so we can assume 8 would have seen them.

The entire weapon line = octarians can use a variety of weapons and have seen inklings use weapons from the great turf war so, again we can assume 8 has seen or heard of them

Marina = marina, from her file in the chat rooms, seems to have had an important role in Octarian society before she left. Being so high up in the hierarchy, it just makes sense 8 would know of her

The entire hero mode line = octavio is obvious. He's the king, of course she'd know him. Marie and Callie freed the octarians the first time, but this actually tells us WHEN agent 8 was freed. Or rather when she did leave. It wasn't during splatoon 1, but splatoon 2's hero mode. Why? Because her mem cake of Callie is when she was brain washed, and Marie has her kimono on. The octarians stole the scrolls and the sardinium so she would of seen them around, same with the keys. The zapfish and power eggs play a huge role with the octarians so it'd be obvious she'd have memories of them too.


There is one excuse we can use for the memories that there aren't an explanation for. But the thing is, it's a dumb excuse that could be used for everything and splatoon doesn't have that kind of lazy writing. But it does work for SOME things so we can use it for a few.

Some of the mem cakes are 8's memories she's making as she goes through with stuff the captain, marina, and pearl are telling her.

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