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"So what is the body supposed to be?" Asked Overhaul. Stain just shrugged "Maybe they are cutting costs and this is our food for today" Joked shark head. Overhaul chuckled at the joke and stain just smiled. "Hey for real though Gure can you ask the guards why they gave us a corpse?" "Sure. HEY WHYD YOU GUVE US A CORPSE?" A guard approached "Corpse? He ain't dead, he's your new cell mate" the guard walked in and flipped the body over. "WAIT THATS A KID!" Yelled Stain "WHY THE FUCK IS THERE A KID IN THIS PLACE?" The guard just laughed "that kid is destined to be a villain with his quirk" Overhaul looked at the guard menacingly "what's his quirk" the guard squeaked and ran out of the cell and locked the door. "Why'd he run?" Asked the Shark head now known as Gure. "That's why" said stain calmly pointing at the body of the green haired child that was now regaining consciousness. "Ugh where at I?" Asked the boy. Overhaul got ready to counter attack in case the boy attacked him. He had messed with his quirk dampener enough that he could use his quirk from his left hand. "You're in prison kid" he said calmly. The kid began to panic. "WOAH WOAH WAOH CALM DOWN!" Yelled Gure. "MY MOM!" The kid screamed "THEY SHOT MOM!" He was in tears. Eventually the shark headed man calmed the boy down. "What's your name kid?" Gure asked "Izuku, what about you three?" "Kai Chisaki" "Chizome Akaguro" "Gure Kirishima" The kid pointed at Stain "why are you in here?" "You sure you wanna know?" The boy nodded "well seeing as you are my prison buddies I may as well get to know you" stain nodded "I killed heroes that were only heroes for fame and money" the boy was unfazed. "You aren't scared?" "Listen I'm a 4 year old that just came to terms with the fact that the government killed my mom. The death of other heroes doesn't faze me" "you're pretty smart for a 4 year old" Izuku giggled "My IQ is 157. I am literally a genius. Now you he pointed at Guro "What did you do?" "I was unfairly arrested. Some guy attacked me and my son, Eijiro, in an alley and I took down the guy who attacked us but some Quirkist hero though that I was the bad guy in the situation because my shark head looks scary" Izuku was kinda pissed "if it make you feel any better the last hero I killed was they same guy" said stain. Guro nodded "I'm just sad that I won't get to see my boy grow up" "you?" Izuku pointed at Overhaul "Human Experimenting" "In what context?" "I used my quirk on a boy who had a fatal illness to see if I could get rid of the diseased cells but I had to do them one by one. The cops found me before I could finish and now the boy is dead and I'm here" Izuku looked at the ground "I'm sorry that happened" Overhaul nodded "the boy was like a son to me and when I was taken away I thought I might never get another chance to be a father but here you are" he said to Izuku picking him up. "You can be my son of you want" "Ok... Dad"

Dialogue chapter oh boy

All for HerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon