[24] You took my heart, could I please have it back?

Start from the beginning

There was silence for a moment, before Dominic sighed. He mumbled an apology, and although it was quiet, I could tell he meant it. But what I had said was true: no matter how many times he said sorry, he could not get out of this.

I sighed dismally and muttered sarcastically, "Yeah, thanks for making my life worse," before turning and walking back to my friends, who were all looking at me curiously, as though I had done something completely random. Which, to them, I suppose I had.

When I sat down, it was as though nothing had occurred - the people started chatting all around me, still eating, and everything seemed to be normal. But our table was silent. My friends continued to stare at me, so I sighed, and mumbled,

"It was all his fault. Why those people were insulting me, it's his fault," I explained, not looking at them. I stared at my sandwich, my appetite completely lost. I knew they were going to ask what happened, but I didn't want to explain.

"Liz..." started Amy, but I waved her off.

"It doesn't matter," I said curtly. "Leave it." I could tell they were disgruntled, but to be honest, I didn't care. I was more than disgruntled. I was downright livid.

When the bell went, I dumped the remains of my sandwich and trudged after my new friends. The next lesson I shared with David and Cole, who both tried to cheer me up with jokes and flirty comments, but to no avail. Dominic had gone too far. Way too far.

The rest of the school passed in complete misery, before the last bell went and I trudged out with everyone else, gloomy, angry, frustrated. People sneered at me in the corridors, snickering as they thought of Dominic's cruel rumour.

I slowly ambled across the playground, ignoring everybody that was laughing at me, intent on getting back 'home', to play my guitar, forget about life in general for a few precious moments. I reached the road, scanned up and down the street, and sighed as I remembered Mrs Baker was not picking us up from school today.

Sighing glumly, I started my commute home, hoping I would remember the way. Hoping I wouldn't see Dominic. Thankfully, I saw him a way ahead, but then I started wondering if he would turn around. I hoped he wouldn't. I didn't want to deal with him right now.

To my relief, I got back with no incidents. However, when I arrived in the kitchen, Saskia was leering at me.

"Enjoy school?" she asked sweetly, and in that instant I knew she had been in on Dominic's rumour. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if she had made it up herself. I gritted my teeth and forced a smile.

"Yes, it was great. I had a very...hands on experience with your brother. Excuse the euphemism," I replied, and she scowled, her eyes darting to her brother as he walked into the kitchen.

"Hands on?" she repeated, quirking an eyebrow at him. Dominic wordlessly pointed at the red mark on his face and glared at Saskia. I put all the pieces together and realised she had set him up to it.

OK, so it wasn't entirely his fault. But he didn't have to go along with it. He could have just ignored her, not agreed to it. Maybe he hated me as much as she did? But then why would he feel remorse, when his sister quite obviously didn't? Was I reading too much into this?

You took my heart, could I please have it back?Where stories live. Discover now