Not so sure

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I can't believe I am doing this. The last time I visited this school it became the wrost day for me. Later talking with Soobin I got to know that Mr.Han had served for fifteen years in Army before he retired and started a school for kids. So, it's normal that he looked like a goon.

After talking to Teacher who would be incharge of my kid it did really eased down my nerves. He was decent, nice and respectful. He assured us they can take care of kids just fine.

So, here I am visiting the school again with Beomgyu in tow who was hyper-ly excited to get out of the house. The school is still not reopened but new kids gonna be there. So, you know they could get to know each other or something. But because we enrolled him late so there gonna be four other kids expect Beomgyu.

What I am really offended me is that Soobin didn't discussed the whole school thing with me. But he had nerves to talk to his secretary about it.

I swear he is a idiot sometimes!

I was pulled out of trance when the blonde blob pulled at my jeans hard. I looked down at me as he gave me puppy eyes before reaching out his hands for me to carry him.

See, Beomgyu still loves me not like his father who left me alone so he could go flirt with his secretary. Okay maybe that's too much he is not flirting but why does he favour her? Like he almost spit the mint-choco ice-cream on me when I tried to feed him some while he was not looking but for his Secretary he told her he also like Mint-choco.

And when I ask him why, do you know what was his answer? He said 'It was so they could have something in common, and don't make things awkward'. I ain't no buying his bullshit.

I hate this man sometimes! Why didn't I killed him yet?!

Okay my hormones are getting out of control.

Beomgyu nudged me. Oh someone's getting fisty. I heft him letting him rest on my hips. As I made way to the office Beomgyu played with my hair sometimes pulling on it and giggled happily. Why does he love to see people in misery?

"Where? Where?" He asked looking around. His eyes widened in excitement as he spotted the swings. He wriggled in my hold. Sighing I let him down. He jumped once and held my jacket and dragged me to where the swings were.

It's gonna be long day!

"Let's go, we can come later" I said trying to heft him up so he couldn't run away but he slipped from my hold and shakes his head cutely but vigorously.

"Stop shaking your head you'll be dizzy" as I finished my sentence Beomgyu stop shaking his head at instance but didn't showed any signs of leaving.

"I think someone is having fun" I turned to see the teacher. Hoyoung, he was quite tall but didnt reach upto my height. He have a small face with delicate features but sharp eyes. I bowed at him in greeting and he repeated the same.

"Hey there! I am hoyoung. You?" He kneeled down infront of Beomgyu. He extended his hand for Beomgyu take as he introduced himself. Beomgyu looked at him for a while before turning to me looking in my eyes as if asking for my permission.

Beomgyu never did that but now that we are in unfamiliar place he feels scared. None-the-less I nodded at him. He turned back to the teacher and a flashed a smile before holding his own hand out to handshake.

"I am Beomgyu!" He said cheerfully. Hoyoung did asked him more questions about what he likes or dislikes. While Beomgyu replies almost every question to the best he can. I stood on the side like a proud mother seeing him communicate with someone who is not our family.

He is growing up fast! But he is just three year old!

Life's unfair Yeonjun. I need to understand. They talked a bit more so they could get familiar. After a small catch-up with Beomgyu, Hoyoung stood up and turned to face me.

"I will take Beomgyu with me. You could wait with other parents there" He pointed behind me to a classroom. I am quite anxious. Should I leave Beomgyu alone or ask him if I could join Beomgyu. But I think he seemed to understand me.

"Don't worry, you can keep an eye on kids. The room and classroom is connected by reflective glass. Children can't see you but you could see them" He said as he uses his hand to explain me the point. He is too expressive. Uh-huh not complaining.

"Sorry, I just worried as it's first time being without me" I muttered embarrassedly. I don't know why I am  embarrassed though. Do every parent feel like this or is it just me?

"It's nothing new. Every parent is worried for their kid" well that helped me ease down a little. Lately these days I am obsessed with cute things and get easily flustered or sulky.

Is this the pregnancy effect? Well these one are quite different from my both previous pregnancies.

I waited untill Beomgyu's teacher took him into class. He waved at me a little. My boy is getting nervous huh? I gave him a encouraging hug and kiss. After the door close I went into room next door.

True to hoyoung words I could easily see Beomgyu standing behind his teacher but I couldn't hear them. A little far from the glass wall was table with four chairs with three of them occupied.

I noticed that I was standing at the door when someone yelled my name. Turning my head towards them an ball of energy jumped at me.

"Aigoo isn't it cutie Yeonjun!"

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