Chapter 9 : Romance

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Chou walked home and saw there was a flier about a good sale of soba. "Akahana will like this." She chuckled until she crashed into someone. Chou looked at the person, he had messy black hair and gunmetal blue eyes. He looked a little annoyed. "Oh, I'm sorry back there." She stood up, the guy was apologizing to her back. "No, I'm sorry."

It was awkward but they didn't walked away, just standing next to each other. "What school do you go to?" Chou suddenly spoke up to break the awkwardness. "Fukurodani." She was surprised, he was from the same school as her sister. "Oh, my sister was from that school but she transferred to my school." She doesn't know why she told him that. "What school are you from?" He asked her, she realized his voice was huskier than she he looked. "Oh, Nekoma..." his eyes widened and look down at her. "Is your sister Akahana Faline?" She was even more shocked now. "Yes! She once told me that she had a friend from Fukurodani, second year." The guy admitted it was him.

"Well..." Chou paused and forgot she hadn't introduced herself nor the guy. "I'm Akaashi Keiji." He introduced himself. "Oh, I'm Chou Faline." Both of them still had an uninterested faces. "Do you play volleyball?" Chou asked, Akaashi nodded. "Do you?" Chou replied with a 'yes'.


A deeper voice called out to him. Both of them turned to see a taller guy with white hair with black roots, amber eyes, and wide childish smile. "Here he comes." Chou raised an eyebrow and looked at the guy with disgust. "Akaashi, who's this?" He tilted his head like an owl to Chou. She had to admit he looked like an owl.

The owl guy was talking to her about topics she wasn't interested in. "I'm Bokuto Koutarou, nice to meet you!" He shook her hand. She was confused why was he like this. "I'm Chou Faline...nice to meet you too, Bokuto-san." Bokuto had the widest smile they ever see and Akaashi introuduced the owl as the captain.

"Bokuto-san, this is Akahana's older sister." Akaashi told Bokuto and his eyes sparkled. "How is she? I miss her!" He shook her back and forth that made her dizzy. Akaashi pulled him away and Chou almost felt like puking. "Akahana? She's fine, she's the manager." Bokuto became even happy than before. "Is she the manager for the boy's volleyball team?" She nodded and now he was shaking Akaashi back and forth.

"Wait, Chou!"


"Do you play volleyball?" She nodded hesitantly, a big mistake or was it? Bokuto started to talk about volleyball and how it was his passion. "Do you like volleyball?" He asked her. Chou doesn't know how to answer the question. She wasn't to keen about playing it, just doing it so her mother could stop pester about reading too much. "Um...kind of...Akahana is the one who liked it." The answer made Bokuto confused.


In the empty classroom of class 3-4, the third years of the girls' team were talking to each other. "Fuji, what are you doing after this?" Makoto asked the taller captain, Aiko thought about it. "I'm planning to meet Nobuyuki-kun later." Naomi who was sitting next to the blue haired quirked an eyebrow. "Wait, you're dating Kai-kun, Fuji?" Aiko couldn't help but giggle at the two. "He's a family friend and also we know each other since kindergarten." The two were shocked and displayed faces of shipping.

"I think I have a new OTP, right, Aoike?"

"You bet, Kuze."

The two girls giggled and gave a knowing glance at Aiko. "Haha, laugh all you want." She glared at them that made shivers went down their spines. "Speaking of OTPs, how's your attempts to ask Yaku-kun out yet?" Naomi turned red and shook her head. Makoto sighed. "You know, if keep doing this your time is running out." The brunette started mumble gibberish.

"Aoike, I'm always wondering why you disliked Kuroo." Makoto perked up and chuckled like a psychopath. From a chuckle suddenly turned into a witchlike cackle, that made Naomi scooted away. "He kept asking me to annoy Daishou-kun and Mika-chan. And I'll not annoy my friend." She cackled out.

Aiko giggled and looked at the clock, she was almost late. "Girls, I need to go. I can't get him waiting." Aiko grabbed her bag and walked away from the classroom. The two girls watched the tall captain walked away and disappeared.

"She likes Kai-kun, does she?"



Makoto walked down the stairs and saw Emika walking while playing games. "Emika-chin, what are you still here?" She asked the fluffly redhead. Emika flinched and almost dropped her phone. "Aoike-san, I-I was just...I was playing games with friend." Makoto was being nosy and curious. "Who's the friend?" Emika started to stutter and flustered.

"Um...y'know, just...a friend." Makoto grabbed her shoulder and put her face inches from Emika's. "Oya? What's this?" Both girls looked up to see Kuroo and Yaku. "What're you two still doing here?" Yaku asked the two. Emika excused herself and walked home.

There left the three third years. Yaku felt like a third wheel. "So do you want to go?" Kuroo smirked at Makoto. She cackled and almost cried. "I'll not stalk Mika-chan and her boyfriend!" She crossed her arms, putting a frown. Yaku didn't know how did he get into the situation.

"Aoike? I thought you're already home?" A brunette asked her. "Hi, Kuze." Yaku greeted her, Naomi turned red and almost passed out. "H-hi, Yaku-kun!" She pointed finger guns at him, which made me laugh.

Makoto loved the scene of the two liberos talking to each other, but she needed get the rooster out of her hair. "C'mon~" He said and she rolled her eyes. Kuroo thought up an idea and smirked. "How about Yakkun join tomorrow?" He nudged Yaku's shoulder, the male libero was shocked and glared at Kuroo. "How about you, Kuze?" Naomi flinched and stuttered. "You convinced me. Tomorrow, you'll show us where the couple may be." His plan has worked.

When the two girls walked home, they found their captain with the vice captain of the boys' team eating curry. Aiko glanced and saw the two, she was shocked and her face expressed that. "Something wrong, Aiko-chan?" Kai asked her, she shook her head and took a big scoop of the curry.

"Good luck on the date~"

"Hope you get married~"

Adventures In Nekoma High || A Nekoma FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora