Chapter 7

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Ray and Bulla were flying over head the city of Kuoh as they thought about what to do next

Bulla: Sooo what's the plan?

Ray: Hell if I know what the hell are we supposed to do here

Bulla: Ha you said hell in a world of devils

Ray: Shut up Bulla

Bulla: Make me

Ray turned around to say something but blushed and said nothing as he turned around and kept flying

Bulla: That's what I thought

The two made it a small cabin in the woods that looked run down as the two were able to sense a dark and evil presence in the building as they didn't know this but they were sensing a stray devil as they flew down to it

Ray: You feel it to right?

Bulla: Duh of course I do

Ray then smirked as he looked at the cabin

Ray: Let's kill it!

Bulla just sighed as she looked at Ray

Bulla: Ray I love you and everything but I still don't understand how you're so different from your dad and grandfather, they are the most kind-hearted people you'll ever meet then there's you, you are so much like how my dad used to before he lived on earth, cold and ruthless you would kill anything that pose a threat while your father and grandfather would spare them and give them a chance, and you've been this way ever since Mister Goku disappeared

Ray just looked at her as laughed

Ray: I guess they just help me supressed my Saiyan urges but now that we've been away from them guess there's nothing holding it back

Bulla just sighed as she shakes her head

Bulla: Guess you're right anyway let's go and defeat whatever is inside this cabin

Ray nodded as the two walked in as it was dark as they could barely see anything but they could sense the being but pretended not to be aware of it as suddenly the door closed as the two were unfazed

???: Oh ho? Two children have wandered into lair? How grand

Ray: Alright listen we know you're there now be a good whatever you are and die!

Suddenly a women walked out with a smirk on her face

Suddenly a women walked out with a smirk on her face

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???: Oh I like it when my food gets feisty

Bulla: Creepy

Ray had enough as he pointed the palm of his right hand at her as she was confused when suddenly a small ki blast was launched at her as it hit it's mark as she screamed in agony and pain as she fell to the floor while Ray walked over to her, he grabbed her by the hair and threw her outside and then appeared a couple feet away from of her while still in front of her as she was on her back as she stared at him in terror as she crawled back in fear

???: Please spare me, if you do I swear I won't ever come back, I'll disappear, you'll never hear of me again

Ray didn't care or just ignored her pleas as he kept walking towards her as he raised his right hand again towards her as another much more powerful ki blast began to charge as the stray was absolutely terrified as she began to shed tears as she knew she would die as she stopped crawling away as she laid flat in her back and closed her eyes awaiting death as Ray was about to fire his ki blast when suddenly Bulla appeared in front of him shocking him

Ray: Get out of the way Bulla

Bulla just rolled her eyes as she turned around to face the women on the ground as Ray sighed and dissolve the ki blast as he crossed his arms as he waited to see what Bulla would do with her

Bulla: Hey you, you still awake?

The women opened her eyes and looked up at Bulla as Bulla smiled warmly at the women

Bulla: Oh good you're still alive

Bulla walked over to her and kneeled in front of her as the women was confused

Bulla: I'm willing to make a deal with you

Both Ray and the women were shocked as Ray spoke up

Ray: Are you insane!? Bulla she possesses the same energy as those guys from before however hers is darker eviler for all we know she could be a villain, an actual monster!

Bulla turned to face with a angry expression

Bulla: Don't you think I know that now shut up and listen Ray

Ray was shocked that she spoke back to him in such a manner as he made a sound of annoyance and backed off as Bulla smirked and turned back to face the women

???: What's this deal you spoke of earlier?

Bulla: Simple if you wish to live serve us

Ray and the women looked at her in shock as they didn't expect this from her

Bulla: Serve as our servant and our guide to this strange new world we know nothing about and I promise you that we spare your life and hopefully maybe I will be able to turn you into a good person if you aren't already what do you say?

Bulla outstretched her hand at the women as Ray was suddenly reminded of how his grandfather would always give his enemies a second chance to redeem themselves and even if they sometimes didn't chance over time they weren't the evil monsters they once were, even if it was ever so slightly they changed for the better and Ray sighed as he realized that maybe Bulla was right and that he was becoming more Saiyan then human and he didn't know if that was a good thing

The women looked up at her and saw no sign of deception and decided that she wanted to live as she took Bulla hand and accepted her offer as Bulla smiled and helped the women up as though slight she smiled back as Bulla spoke

Bulla: I'm Bulla and that's my boyfriend Ray

The women looked at the two as she nodded

???: Masters it's a pleasure to meet you I am Morgan it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance

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