Chapter 2

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RAY yelled: Damn it all!

As he was helping his grandma with her farm however the tractor broke down as he went to check on it as he discovered that the engine was damaged beyond repair

RAY: How am I supposed to finish my work

As he saw that he was in a empty field as he grinned

RAY: Well I could use the training
As he turned Super Saiyan Four as he began to train slightly as he was just training so he could hold the form for as long as possible

RAY: Haa!

He punched and that caused the winds in that direction to go out of control, he trained for many hours as suddenly a limo drove towards him as it stopped in front of him as Hercule stepped out if the limo with a suitcase as he walked over to Ray as he waved at Hercule who smiled as Hercule explained to him that he was given one trillion zeni for saving the world, but he knew that it was his grandfather who did and thought that they deserved the money Ray tried to refuse the offer until Hercule said that they could use it to please his grandmother Chi Chi which caused Ray to accept the money as Hercule waved goodbye and left

RAY: Sigh well better go show this to grandma

As he flew towards his grandma's house as he walked inside much to the surprise of his family as he showed them the money and explained how he got the money as Chi Chi was thrilled as she proclaimed how she can send everyone to good colleges with the best tutors as all her grandkids cringed at the mention of school as Ray ultimately used instant transmission to appear on King Kai's world as he began to train once again as Ray had a feeling of dread, almost as if something bad was about to happen soon, and he needed to get stronger for it

A dangerous being named Beerus
awoke after a thirty-nine year slumber, and struggled to remember his dream about a warrior known as a Super Saiyan God
Meanwhile, Earth welcomed a new era of peace, and with Bulma's birthday around the corner, plans for a huge party began
But it wasn't all fun and games for Ray, who traveled to King Kai's planet
to train under its powerful gravity, the incredibly strong Saiyan hopes to reach, an even higher level

BEERUS: Hmm, I've forgotten again,
Was it... a Super Seer God, or a Superior Sorrow-Man God? Wait, Supreme Soy-yan God, that feels closer to right, I think

WHIS: Well it sounds like a grandiose,
over-the-top name, in any case

BEERUS: You can just use your power to find him for me, can't you, Whis?

WHIS: I have limits, I can't find this needle of a warrior in the haystack of this universe, if you can't even settle on his name

BEERUS: You're no fun

BEERUS: Mmm! All this racking my brain is making me hungry and now I want something sweet

WHIS: I told you, you can eat as soon as we get home, I do seem to remember an exceptionally rare dessert in the refrigerator

BEERUS: Exceptionally rare?

BEERUS: Are you sure about that, Whis? Because if you're wrong

WHIS: You can rest assured, my lord, it is there

BEERUS: There's something else I've been meaning to ask


BEERUS: Is this really the fastest you can go?

WHIS: Hmph

WHIS: I'll have you know I'm the fastest being in this whole universe, Lord Beerus

BEERUS: Really, is that right? I suppose I should be impressed, then

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