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Jason woke up the next morning to sound of his phone ringing. He glanced over to see Evelyn was still asleep so he received the call and stepped out of the room.

"Jason, it's me Tim. Are you guys at the eye clinic? Because I went to Evelyn's place but no one's answering the door..."

He glanced at the clock, "oh yeah I forgot to tell you. We are still at the clinic. The doctor had to check her eyes in the morning too and then we'll be going home."

"Right. It will take me a few minutes to reach then. I'll come straight to the recovery room when I get there."

The call disconnected so Jason stepped back in the room and saw that Eve was trying to sit up. He rushed towards her and took her hand helping her to sit up.

"Where were you?"

"Tim called so I had stepped out to talk to him since you were asleep, he's on his way here."

The nurse came in shortly after to take Eve to the toilet and told her that they would be taking care not to let water enter her eyes for the next fifteen days so it was necessary to be very careful while washing the face.

Jason stepped out again and a while later the nurse called him back in when Eve was seated on the bed and her eyes were still closed. The nurse had also given the morning dosage of eyedrops to her and informed them that they could have breakfast and the doctor would join them after that. 

Eve and Jay were having breakfast together when the door was knocked upon. Jason went to answer it and Tim stumbled inside rather out of breath.

"I'm so sorry I'm late," he panted trying to regain his breath, "hi Evelyn, Jay..."

"You're not late, you're too early. I was asleep when you had called," Jason remarked.

"Yeah but then I missed the bus so I had to walk halfway here, no trouble though," he added quickly noticing the concern on Evelyn's features, "by the way, how are you feeling now, Evelyn?"

"I'm good, come have breakfast with us," she offered.

"Oh no I grabbed a quick cup of coffee when I was leaving and then another one from the cafeteria here so I'm good too."

Jason looked at him as if he had stated something absurd, "coffee is not food."

"For me, it is. I live on coffee."

"Not very healthy nevertheless."

Eve had a smile on her face as she heard their interaction. Jason had grown quite like an elder brother towards Tim just like the boy wanted. His protectiveness showed in rare glimpses as these and it was clear that he cared for Tim despite their initial differences towards one another.

"Anyhow," Tim changed the topic before Jay could lecture him further, "what happened when the bandage was removed? Jay had said the doctor would check your vision or something like that."

A smile played upon her lips, "yes, but I am not supposed to strain my eyes a lot so the doctor asked me to focus ahead at the table and the vase in front and then asked me if I could see it properly."

"And you could?"

"Yeah," pure joy had taken over features making her appear even more beautiful, "after so many years... I could finally see things. But the doctor asked me to close my eyes after that and I've kept them closed ever since. Oh and I almost gave Jay a heart attack earlier."

"No she didn't," Jay remarked quickly but Tim shrugged, gesturing him that he didn't believe his quick interjection.

"What happened?"

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