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Evelyn woke up to the soothing aroma of coffee and as she opened her eyes, she could feel that the darkness of night had gone and it was probably morning. Her hands reached out to lift the blanket off her and as she sat up, she realized that she was still wearing Jason's jacket, a realization that brought back the earlier events with full force.

Her fingers reached up to her neck, gently tracing the thin cut and then she fumbled in the drawers beside her bed searching for an ointment. When she found it she carefully applied a thin layer of it at the cut on her throat, gently easing the stinging skin.

She climbed out of the bed and stepped towards her cupboard taking out another dress for the one she had been wearing was cut up from the front. 

"Good morning."

She was startled to hear a voice other than her own but then realized that it was probably Jason and turned towards the door where his voice had come from, "morning."

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you," she mumbled in reply.

He noticed that she was clutching the dress closer to herself so he backed off, "I have made breakfast. You can freshen up first if you like."

She shook her head, "you really didn't have to..."

"It's okay, Eve. I will be waiting for you outside."

He smiled a little as if in reassurance to her but then realized that she couldn't see it and his expression relapsed into the usual emotionless look before walking out.

Evelyn listened closely but couldn't pick up on the sound of his footsteps almost as if he walked in such a way so as not to attract any attention towards him. Swift and silent, almost like a ghost.

And yet he was very much like a ghost because as far as she knew, to the rest of the world Jason Peter Todd was still dead and six feet under in his grave at the Wayne Cemetery.

Taking off the jacket, she folded it neatly and placed it on the bed then stepped into the bathroom to freshen up. She was surprised to find the water heated as well and as her hands ran along the towel stand, a dry towel was placed there though by the steaminess of the place she could judge that Jason had probably taken a bath after waking up.

The surprising aspect for her was that she had been so exhausted that she had not woken up earlier even though the slightest of sounds managed to propel her into consciousness. But the warm water felt much more inviting to her than those wild trains of thought that were raging in her head so she stepped into the bath cautiously, abandoning all her thoughts for the time being.

Her frayed nerves were soothed a lot by the relaxing bath and a while later, she stepped out of the tub, draining the water and changing in to her clothes. Grabbing the towel she dried up her hair and unlocked the bathroom door, stepping out into her room from where she counted her steps to the kitchen as per her usual morning routine.

The aroma of coffee grew stronger as she neared and her ears picked up on the slight sounds of crockery indicating that Jason was probably standing by the stove. Carefully, she took a seat by the breakfast counter and he turned to see her, as if checking whether she was alright or not.

"Coffee and pancakes," he spoke as he placed the cup and plate in front of her, "apologies for going through your kitchen without permission but I was starving and I thought I may as well make something for both of us."

"Smells delicious," she smiled and he paused mid thought, steel blue eyes focusing on her. But then he shook off the thought that had flickered in his mind and sat down across from her.

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