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This is what happens when you break the number one rule of the house. Don't be late unless where together. Alucard and his stupid rules, all he does is boss me around. When let me tell ya I hate it but Alucard is my adoptive father and I owe him my life. You see he took me out of the shit hole I was in with my parents back in cali. But he also proposed me a deal.
   "Be my partner in crime" Alucard said in a almost joke kind of tone.
   At the time I didn't know what he ment by that, I thought he had a business and was asking for help to clean or to keep things in place. But of course it's a cleaning job just not the type you actually clean. You might of guessed it I'm a hitman my job is to kill the target and claim my prize. Alucard was ruff but had taught me enough to know about the real world.
   I came home at 2 in the morning because I was out partying and having fun with some company if you know what I mean. I'm a virgin though but it's always fun to put them on edge.
  I was trying to come in as silently as possible when I hear Alucard.
  "Where have you been ? Do you know what time it is?"
Shit you might think that with the training I got it would help me be quiet. Alucard has the ears of a bat he can hear and see from a grate distance.
  "Ya sorry got caught up on some things ." I probably smell like booze fuck!
   " well you ain't getting away with this so easily." With that he made my sit in chair position against the wall until lunch.
  After that he my legs felt like someone cut them off.
" hey kid come over here I gotta tell ya somethin" Alucard said in serious tone.
I looked at him confused but I sat down cuz I didn't want to get punished again.
"Your going to boarding school for a while" he said
"I have a job I gotta take care of and I don't want you butting in." I was so pissed why the hell would I butt in I'm good at my job yet he's sending me to a fucking boarding school.
"Hell to the no I'm going with you, and I'm not going to some boarding school." I screamed.
"I'm not asking for your opinion I'm ordering you.!!" He screamed back.
"You think I wouldn't take you if I had to?" He said in a much more stern voice.
" this job is personal and it's to dangerous for even you" he said.
"Well won't it be more dangerous if I'm in boarding school?" I said in a sassy voice.
"No, because I know the director of the school and he's trust worthy." He said
Damn it I have to go to a damn boarding school, out of all the things he had to do. But what kind of job does he have that he can't take me ?
I was lost in thought when he finally said something that almost made me fall from my chair.
"Your leaving tomorrow"
Well thats how I arrived to Lockwood Academy, what awaited me was something not even I expected to be true in a million years. But soon I'll be pressure in a way I never thought I would experience. My emotions.

Trust in me ,In heart and SOULOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant