Your eyes look like they rained (Hulrat)

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"Bhaiyaa!" Rishab suddenly yelled, successfully gaining Virat's attention and forcing him to turn. Virat couldn't ignore his kids yell, now could he?

"Yes!" He asks worriedly and now that Rahul can see his face . He couldn't help but feel distraught. Virat looks unnaturally pale almost like a vampire. Those big, big eyes of his are full of pain. He can't really hide anything from them. His eyes gives him away. And the lines under them aren't helping either. He looks miserable.

Questions and worries swirls in Rahul's mind. He could see the same worries in the eyes of Shreyas and Rishab too. Their expression giving it away that Virat had been hiding his face from them too, all this time. They all were worried. Virat quickly looks down and resumes his search in his bag as soon as he sees their looks. Rahul hopes Virat will cover his eyes with the shades. It'll create more trouble if someone else notice, Virat's as red as a vampire eyes.

"Bhaiya! You alright?" Rishu asks the question in all of their mind carefully, sharing a look with the other two.

"Of course, What can happen to me?" Virat question backs with an almost wan smile.

And Rahul doesn't want to think even for a second how Virat's last night would have been. Wandering in the corridors like an empty spirit, punching walls, crying into the pillow - it can be anything from the above options or all of them too. He again shares a look with the other two, their heart break at their brother's condition apparent in their eyes.

"You were saying something Rishu?" Virat questions, again bend over his bag, checking for something.

"Ugh...I was thinking to call Mahi bhai, asking tips and stuff, you know..." Rishu shrugged.

Virat just gave a curt smile on Rishab's remark, ushering them to follow him to the bus. His dark glares finally resting on the tip of his nose, successfully blocking his eyes from the world view.

The three of them follow Virat's out. Rahul thinking calling MS wasn't a bad idea. After all, MS is the only person in the whole planet who can make Virat feel like himself again. He lets the other two know that with his eyes.

"Umm...I think calling Mahi bhai sounds like a good idea," Rahul brings up the idea almost conversationally, not missing how they had unconsciously formed a protective circle around Virat.They weren't letting anything hurt their Virat on their watch.

"He's with his family, enjoying a family function...let's not disturb him, now. He had given more than enough time to us. Let's leave him to enjoy a few peaceful moments to himself" Virat dismisses the idea with a soft smile not reaching his eyes. Rahul could tell even with the glare on.

Virat's words had almost managed to freeze the three of on their steps. They never imagined Virat will say something like this ever but he had and it suddenly made the situation seem more grave to them. But they weren't the ones to give up and this time, it was about their brother. How could they give up?

Oh! How they hoped Virat bhaiya will just speak to Mahi bhai!!Mahi bhai always managed to make Virat seem like himself. They hoped he could do that again. They hoped MS will succeed in giving them back their Virat bhaiya but Virat was refusing to speak with anyone and their hopes were crashing spectacularly.Virat didn't seem in the mood to talk with MS and they didn't know what else to do.

At that moment, Rahul decided to step up. He'll bring his Virat back somehow. He'll walk on the dark roads along with Virat. He won't let his bhaiya wander in dark alone ever. He'll let Virat know he wasn't alone ever. He'll talk with Virat during the practice session. He'll get his brother back.

He let Shreyas and Rishab know so through his eyes. He'll need their help to corner Virat, after all. But alas, they didn't get anytime to do so during the practice session for Virat was acting possessed. Everyone were steering clear of Virat's path while Rahul felt like walking in the eye of the storm.

~Yes Captain~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang