Chapter 18 - The Winners

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As the new player spiked the ball, the sound of it slamming hard against the floor filled the air of the gym. Everyone was quiet until they saw the red flag go up to signal that the ball was out. Karasuno let out a breath of relief while Y/n tried not to laugh, letting out a small giggle before covering her mouth, her body slightly shaking from trying to hold in her laughter. The referee blew the whistle to signal for both teams to switch sides since Karasuno had won the first set. 

Just like the first set, both teams gave it their all for the second set. Karasuno had learned that Mad Dog, as Oikawa had called him, was quite a unique player. His spikes were quiet interesting and would sometimes get fooled that he was going to spike the ball at times. At the moment, Seijoh was in the lead, having a score of 22 and Karasuno a score of 18. 

When the game was about to start, Karasuno decided to make a switch with their number ten. On the side of Karasuno's side of the court stood their number twelve with the small plastic sign that had the number ten on it. The two first years had a small chat before they went their separate ways. Everyone muttered to each other about how he was the scaredy cat server, but Yamaguchi paid them no mind, not as if he could hear them anyways.

Taking a deep breath, he heard the whistle blow as he threw the ball in the air and hit it with his hand. The ball flew to the other side of the court a bit wobbly since it wasn't spinning.

"Out!" Watari yelled out as he and his teammates watched the ball start to fall more down now as it soon fell close to the line, still inside the line. The referee then blew the whistle, giving Karasuno the point, making everyone cheer.

"Our no touch ace!" Tanaka exclaimed with a grin as Yamaguchi's teammates went to compliment him for his great serve.

The whistle was blown by the referee, making everyone get into position as Yamaguchi went behind the line. Taking a deep breath, he heard the whistle be blown to tell him to serve. Throwing the ball in the air, he hit it once more as it flew over the net onto the other side of the court as it didn't move at all while flying in the air. Mad Dog tried to receive it only for it to bounce off his upper arm and fly outside of the court, earning Karasuno another point. 

Karasuno cheered once more for their teammate. The referee blew the whistle once more to continue the game, causing the boys to go back into position. Yamaguchi served a jump float only for it to be received by Makki. The ball was soon tossed around in the air before being slammed back to Karasuno by Iwaizumi. Yamaguchi received the ball with his body, the hard impact with the ball knocking the air out of him. Kageyama quickly dove in and saved the ball from falling on the ground.

"Thanks Kageyama" the green haired male wheezed out.

The ball flew over to the net as Tsukishima ran up towards the net and jumped, three blockers following him as well. Taking a quick look around his surroundings, he saw that the left was open, making him spike the ball to the left as it fell on Seijoh's side of the court. Karasuno cheered for their tall teammate as Oikawa glared at the tall blonde. 

As Tsukishima picked up the volleyball, he tossed the ball to Yamaguchi as the two stared at each other.

"Give us another one" Tsukishima told his childhood friend. Yamaguchi gave him a determined smile before nodding.

The coach of Seijoh quickly called a time out, making the ref blow the whistle to notify the players of the small time out. They went back to their coaches to regroup and take a small water break and wipe away the sweat that they had.

"Nice job Yamaguchi" Sugawara complimented with a smile.

"Yamaguccchhiii!!!" Hinata yelled in the back from Sugawara.

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