Chapter 3 - Getting Ready

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Y/n - Your Name


Y/n's P.O.V

I was sleeping soundly until I heard my alarm clock annoyingly wake me up. Sighing, and annoyed, I sat up from bed and rubbed my eyes as I turned off my alarm. Swinging my legs at the edge of my bed I trudged over to the bathroom and started to do my morning routine. Walking into the kitchen, I noticed my brother by the kitchen table as he was looking through magazine while drinking coffee.

"Morning Nii-Chan" I said sleepily, a yawn following afterwards

"Morning" he replied. Getting some eggs out of the fridge, I started to make some scramble eggs for myself. After salting the eggs a bit and getting some rice I sat across from Keishi and started to eat. "The volleyball club is going to go against Nekoma in a few days" I stopped eating after hearing what my brother said as I smiled.


"Yeah, Takeda-San was able to get them into the training camp for the last day"

"Takeda-San??" I tilted my head a bit in confusion looking at my brother as he sighed

"The one that came by and kept asking me to coach the boys"

"Oh! You mean your boyfriend!!" I grinned as he hit me over the head with the magazine

"He's not my boyfriend!!"

"Keishin be nice with your sister" our mom came in sighing, her hair put up in a bun with a pen holding it. I stuck my tongue out at him smirking as he grumbled. Soon my brother got up and put his cup in the sink and started to leave.

"Where you going?" I questioned

"To Karasuno"

"Oh let me come!!"

"Hurry up then before I leave you" he said as I grinned. Gobbling up my food I quickly got up from my seat and went back to my room to change.

~Mini Timeskip~

Me and Keishi were in the gym as the boys were stretching before they did any real practicing. I watched them stretch til Tanaka-Senpai was getting my attention.

"Hey hey Y/n! What do you think of my stretching??"

"Me too me too!" Nishinoya exclaimed

"Stop talking to Y/n and keep on stretching!" Daichi scolded them as they both apologized sulking making me chuckle.

"Your doing great senpais!" I said smiling. Soon I saw Tanaka and Noya grin as they were doing big stretches seeming to be motivated by my praise. I continued to watch them as I smiled. Soon they gathered around my brother as he started to talk about the practice match against Nekoma in a few days.

"Alright! In four days will be going against Nekoma, which means we're gonna be practicing our asses off until we vomit! Got it?"

"Yessir!" they said in union

"And one more thing, Y/n will be your 2nd coach, so treat my sister like how I treat her" he said. Annoyed I threw his magazine at him as I stepped up into the circle.

"As my idiotic brother said, I'll be your second coach, but just treat me like how you were treating me yesterday when we met. Do know that I'll be giving you all a harsh time since I'm related to the old man, I may even be harsher than my brother so get ready with any warm up or punishment I give you. If your stuck on anything I'll do my best to help you and give you any tips if your lacking in something." I then gave them a closed eye smile, "I'm happy to be working with you all, I'll do my best!"

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