Chapter 9 - The Copycat (1)

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Y/n - Your Name


Y/n's P.O.V

After an hour or so, we made it to the old man's place. Once Keishi parked the van I quickly got out and headed straight to the back where I heard some voices. Sliding a bit on the dirt I noticed a few people and the old man as I grinned.

"Sup oldie!" I exclaimed. I watched as mine and Keishin's grandfather turned around to look at me. My eyes sparkled as I saw his short grey hair and his tiny beard as I quickly went over to him and engulfed him in a hug. He chuckled.

"Good to see you too Y/n" He hugged me back as I looked up at him and grinned.

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be in bed eatin' pudding or something?" I heard my brother say as both me and the old man looked over at my brother.

"Being discharged means that I've gotten all better, meaning that I can do whatever I want. Hell! I could probably run a marathon if I wanted to!" he exclaimed as I rolled my eyes a bit.

"No, it means that you can officially leave or you gotta leave" I say. Soon he started to pull my cheeks

"Whatcha say!" he questioned, yelling a bit as I laughed trying to get out from his grip.

"Nothing nothing!!" I say as he soon let go of my cheek.

"That's what I thought." I looked over at Hinata who seemed a bit confused as he looked at Keishi.

"This is our grandpa" Keishi said as Hinata seemed surprised.


After the old man told the kids to pass the ball to one another Keishi started to explain everything to gramps.

"So you're telling me that you have no idea what to do about this quick attack?" he questioned, looking at Keishi as he then looked at the ground. Soon enough, old man threw him making me laugh. "It's your team!! You should know what to do about it!!" he yelled as I laughed more.

"Ha! Loser!!" I said as Keishi lifted his head up and glared at me.

"Shut up!!" he exclaimed as I only stuck my tongue out at him.

Soon the old man went on to Hinata about how he calls the shots and that height doesn't matter. I sorta listened but not so much. I decided to play with the kids so they decided to toss to me as well. After a long talk, I had to stand back and have the old man teach Hinata about the three tempos. I sighed as I watched them have fun.

"Better than watching us lose all the time.." I muttered. After gramps gave Keishi another lecture he soon thought of an idea and left.

"What a weirdo..." one kid said as we all watched him leave.

"Tell me about it" I replied.

After that, gramps started to help Hinata with his spikes by having others toss to him. I watched them while sitting on the porch. They usually do it during the day and sometimes at night. It was fun to watch. I would join in every now and then but I couldn't go all the way since there were little kids. While gramps started to lecture Hinata I decided to serve a few balls to the ones who were waiting for them. Grabbing a volleyball I looked over at them and grinned.

"Should I go easy on you guys today or should I make it hard?" I questioned. They only grinned at me.

"Give us your best one!" I only chuckled.

"Don't cry if you get hurt then" I say smiling.

Hinata's P.O.V

I did my best on trying to listen to the old man's lecture since this was about my spiking. Hearing part of what he was saying. I noticed Y/n was about to serve a volleyball to the little kids. I watched her since I've never seen her serve before. Stepping a few steps back from the lines that made up the dirt court she threw the ball upwards and started to make a run towards it. I watched intently as she then jumped and hit the ball with all her power. How she served the volleyball was familiar. Digging up the memories in my mind, I tried to remember where I saw that serve. It soon came to me that it was the Great King's serve.

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