I couldn't deny I was very attracted to Knox. Everything about him screamed...man. From the way he walked to the way he held himself. I had thought I had dated 'men' before. The whole 'I have testosterone and I'm a mans man' type, but next to Knox they were boys. Half of it could be because he was in the military for so many years and carried himself differently. But the other half was how he was raised. His parents raised him to be a good man and it clearly showed.

I was jerked out of my ogling by the sound of a bell ringing. Clearing my vision of Knox's back I realized he had hit all three circles.

"See I knew you could do it." I came up and bumped my hip against his. He scowled at me but there was no real bite in it. 

"Which one do you want?" It took a split second for me to realize he was going to let me choose something. My grin widened as I eagerly looked around at my options. I knew I was acting like a child but that's what this festival did to you. It brought out your inner child and what was more of a perfect time for that than Christmas. And add on to the fact Knox was being very sweet by winning me something.

"I'll take Rudolph." I pointed to the kinda smaller reindeer hanging by himself. The older man working the booth handed him over with a kind smile as I held two stuffed animals in my arms.

"Are you sure you really are 26?" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"You're just jealous I have two really cute stuffed animals." All he did was raise an eyebrow. I made a scene of sighing loudly. "Fine I'll let you hold one of them if you want."

"I'd hate to tear them apart."

"Fine with me. Ain't that right." I cooed at the two in my arms.

"I really question your sanity." I narrowed my eyes at him but before I could say anything the sound of a phone ringing stopped me. I stood there quietly hopping on my feet as the cold continued to seep into my body as he answered the phone.

"Sounds good we'll be there in a minute." Once he put the phone away did I ask what was up. "Olivia and the others are waiting for us by the snowman contests."

"Sounds good. I hope they have something warm to drink though." We had been out here for well over two hours now and with the sun fully down it was starting to get freezing.

"Come on lets go find them before you turn into a popsicle." Knox extended his hand out for me to grab. I only hesitated for a split second before I shuffled the stuffed animals around in my arms and placed mine in his. Glancing up I found him smiling down at me. An actual smile that almost blew me backwards. I didn't say a single word as he laced our cold fingers together and gently tugged me after him.

I kept close to his side as we weaved in and out of the crowd. I kept a firm grip on his hand, the warmth of it slowly warming my own. I almost felt untouchable having Knox right beside me. Like in a weird way he would shield me from everything. I wasn't quite sure how I felt about that but at the moment I let myself stay close to his side as he lead us towards my family.

* * * * * * * * *

By time we finally found my family I felt like a popsicle. I was mentally kicking myself for forgetting to bring gloves and a way thicker coat. I was practically glued to Knox's side trying to use some of his body heat to keep me warm. I still had my stuffed animals pressed into my chest.

As soon as the girls saw my arms stuffed with the panda and Rudolph they squealed and begged for one. I couldn't deny them and their big puppy eyes, plus carrying two was being a hassle. So I gladly handed over the big panda but kept Rudolph for myself. Knox won it for me and as weird as it sounded I wanted to keep it.

Boyfriend for ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now