"She's really loved coming here." I saw the way Knox's eyes lit up as he watched his sister laugh with Annie. "She seems happier too. For awhile there I was beginning to worry she wouldn't be like her old self."

Now that I understood everything I knew what he meant and I now understood the extreme protective side he had towards Olivia. As someone who has lost someone and who hides what she is feeling, I could see that Knox was holding everything in so Olivia wouldn't know. He had a strong facade to where he seemed okay, but he really wasn't.

"Don't worry she'll be okay." I squeezed the side of his arm. You both will.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"We definitely have to go check out the ice-sculpting. I swear each year they get better and better." I said as we walked down the path in-between booths. The sun was starting to set and the air was getting colder.

Once the baking competition was over and my mom announced the winners she gladly let us all leave and do what we wanted. We just had strict orders to not be out too late. So I was currently leading us to get some hot chocolate before hitting some of the booths and little competitions they had going on.

"Maybe we can enter the snowman contest." Jackson suggested. "Aubrey and I won three times before." He told Knox.

"That's because you cheated once." Annie butted in.

"We did not!" I defended. "We won fair and square."

"You two started before they even reached one and then stole Lucas and I's clothing." Annie shook her head.

"Not our fault you left your clothing right beside us." Jackson pointed out to which I agreed.

"Competitiveness runs in the family it seems." Knox commented.

"Better get use to it brother." Lucas slapped Knox on the shoulder. I shook my head as I watched Sophie and Charlotte ran a little bit ahead of us, Olivia right behind them.

It took quite a bit of convincing and crying to get Charlotte to let go of Knox's neck. He held her the entire baking competition and she still wouldn't let him go. She was practically a boa constrictor as she clung to him. It was only when Knox whispered in her ear that he'd win her a teddy bear at one of the booths did she finally let him go. After everyone had turned away I caught Knox shaking his arms out and groaning under his breath. No doubt his arms tired from holding a 3 year old for well over an hour.

While the boys hung back to talk Annie and I walked beside each other.

"The girls are so grown." I said while smiling at the two little girls who were running around us.

"They really need to stop growing."

"Soon they'll be grown up and dating."

"Oh god no." Annie shook her head. "These poor girls when they get older. Lucas is going to run off any boys that come their way." I grinned and nodded.

"They are never going to get boyfriends with Lucas and Jackson around." I laughed.

"Speaking of boyfriends...how are things going with Knox? The fact that you brought him home means things are getting serious."

"Things are going....good." Which wasn't a lie. We actually were doing good and after last night I feel like things may have changed between us a bit.

"You look happier." Annie commented. "And the way he looks at you." She nudged my side.

"He doesn't look at me in any way." I shook my head.

Boyfriend for ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now