"There's more than one errand?"

"Yep!" I beamed. I was going to show Knox all that Rutland has to offer. It may be cold, and maybe snowing, but Rutland at Christmas time was the best. Every store and building decorated to the nines. Plus we had a few days before Christmas to do some stuff.

"And those are?" He waited for me to continue but I didn't answer. Instead I stood up and grabbed my plate. "Aubrey." I ignored him, placing my dishes in the sink. With a wide grin I turned back to face him.

"I'm going to go shower first. Have fun doing the dishes." Before Knox could say another word I took off. I heard him yell something after me but I was laughing too hard to know what it was.

Since it was getting later I took a quick shower. Not bothering to wash my hair. It was going to be freezing outside, maybe even snowing. And I didn't have the energy to wash it. So a bun was going to have to do.

Slightly afraid that Knox would walk in while I was showering I made quick work of washing my body and getting out. But as soon as I got out and wrapped the towel around me I realized I never grabbed my clothes to change in the bathroom. Yep, I'm a complete idiot.

My only hope was to either to go out there and change in my room, taking the chance that Knox could walk in at any moment. Or wait until Knox gets in the shower while I hurry and change. But either way I would have to go into my room in just a towel.


With no other options I wrapped my towel tighter around my shivering body and opened my bathroom door. My bedroom door opened the same time I popped my head out. Perfect timing as Knox.

"What are you doing?" Knox raised an eyebrow at me.

"I forgot my clothes." I kept my body out of sight and tugged the towel closer to me. The fact that Knox was still shirtless, front and center in my mind.

"And you are hiding the bathroom why?"

"I'm not hiding." I huffed. "I'm waiting for you to get in the shower so I can change."

"What if I don't want to shower?" The smirk that grew on his face made me scowl.

"I'm not letting you watch me get dressed."

"I'd be more than happy to help you instead of watch." Knox's smirk seemed to grow the more he talked.

"In your dreams." I shot back but instantly regretted when his eyes lit up. "Ew stop! Forget I said anything." Knox chuckled. The sound making my insides warm. I wasn't going to admit it out loud but I was enjoying this side of Knox. He was being flirty and teasing. Different than what I've seen from him.

"Just go get in the shower." I whined, finally moving out from the doorway and into the room. I avoided his eyes as I gripped my towel. It felt like his gaze was burning through the towel.

I couldn't let that heated stare get to me. Feeling anything for Knox wouldn't be a good choice. This was a temporary thing anyways. And the moment I caught feelings I would get hurt; something I wasn't too keen on.

Yes I found Knox attractive. Super attractive. But thats all it could be. Nothing more.

With my back turned to him I felt him finally go towards the bathroom. When I heard the door shut I let out a breath. Just being in a room with Knox was bad enough, and to do it practically naked and him shirtless, it was like torture.

Knox just seemed to take the entire room up. Besides the fact that he was tall and his shoulders were wide, his mere presence seemed to take up room.

Shaking my head at myself I went over towards my suitcase. I didn't have that much time to get change so I better hurry up. Don't want to be mid-change when he comes back out.

Even though it was going to be cold I wanted to look somewhat good. Standing next to Knox I would have to try and look pretty. So sadly sweats were out of question. After putting on the essentials, I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans-opting for no rips because of the cold.

To squeeze into the jeans was a bit harder than I anticipated. I ended up bouncing around my room, squatting and stretching my legs out to get the jeans on. By time I got them on I was out of breath. Yep, I need to hit the gym when I get home.

Hearing the water still going I dropped the towel, standing there in my bra and jeans. Humming under my breath I searched for a cute top to wear, even though I was 90% sure I would be wearing a coat the entire day.

Too involved in my humming and searching I didn't hear the shower stop. After pulling out almost all of my clothes I finally found a cute maroon thick sweater to wear. Of course to my absolute luck, I leaned back up holding my sweater just as the bathroom door opened.

It was like time slowed down as I turned around, sweater gripped in my hand, to face the bathroom. Knox walked through the door only to stop at the sight of me. Both of us stood there gawking at one another.

Clad in only a towel around his waist. Brown hair wet and sticking up in every direction. Water running down his bare chest. The towel hanging so low I could see the V-Lines pointed south. My mouth instantly went dry at the sight.

As I gawked at Knox he was doing the same to me. His green eyes darkening as he took in my half dressed body.

It took a good minute before my head cleared. My eyes going wide I quickly turned around, looking away from Knox's body, and shielding my chest.

"Why didn't you knock!" I yelled.

"Knock as I left the bathroom? I thought you'd be done by now!" My comment was stupid but he had me flustered.

"Just...just put some clothes on!" A quick glance over my shoulder I noticed he had moved towards the bed and away from the bathroom. Without another word I ran to the bathroom once more and shut the door behind me.

The image of Knox practically naked burned in my mind forever.

I made this for Knox and wanted to share it with you guys!!! <3 <3

I made this for Knox and wanted to share it with you guys!!! <3 <3

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