"I'm never leaving." Under the comforter I crossed my arms over my chest, very firm on the fact that I was never showing my face ever again. The comforter slowly lifted off of me making me whine, but it didn't stop Knox from pulling it all the way off.

"It's not that bad." Knox towered over me but I refused to budge.

"Yes it is. My mom just traipsed on in here like no big deal and then had to nerve to wink. Wink!"

"She only saw you laying on top of me. Not like we were having sex when she walked in." I was wrong, my face could get even more red. Knox climb out of bed, his bare back now in clear view. Nothing could stop me from checking out his muscular back as he stretched. Every muscle flexing and moving under the smooth skin.

My eyes continued on roaming until they stopped on a huge scar on his chest and down to his side. Even from here I could tell it was new-ish and raised. It wasn't no small cut that made that scar. Frowning I kept on staring at it until Knox stood up turning to face me.

I quickly looked away before getting caught staring at him like a weirdo.

"You said you wanted your mom to be happy. Well she looked pretty damn happy seeing us in bed together." He shrugged like it wasn't a big deal.

Knox was too distracting standing there like that. Sure I've seen men with abs but none looked like Knox did. He was all lean muscle and beneath that was someone who could be lethal. Knox was not like those guys that workout to look hot.

Half of me wanted him to put a shirt on so I could focus, and the other half wanted him to stay shirtless so I could stare. Somehow though I managed to nod to his response even though I vaguely heard it.

"Do you want the bathroom first?" Seeing my shot to get away from Knox as quick as possible, I sent him a quick nod before scrambling off the bed. I almost fell face first to the floor but managed to not embarrass myself any further. I shot past Knox like a bullet and ran into the bathroom, slamming it shut behind me.

Glancing in the mirror straight ahead I cringed. God I looked horrible. My hair was falling out of its bun I put it in, pieces sticking straight up. I apparently forgot to get rid of some of my mascara and it was now smudged underneath my eyes, looking like I had black bags under them. Upon closer inspection I had dried drool on my chin.

Why? Why am I such an embarrassment! I mentally yelled at my reflection. I can't with myself.

As much as I wanted to stay in the bathroom hiding from Knox, I knew he needed to get in here also. Plus I was a big girl. I can push aside the embarrassment and act like nothing happened. That is exactly what I am going to do.

I stayed in the bathroom longer than I should have. Most of it was me convincing myself to get back out into the bedroom. That and trying to look a little presentable despite Knox seeing me looking like a troll.

By time I came out of the bathroom though Knox was no where to be seen. I didn't bother changing out of my PJ's as I headed out the room and downstairs. The smell of coffee hit me instantly, awakening my inner coffee addict. Following my nose I came to the kitchen and stopped in my tracks.

In front of me Knox was leaning over the counter, his arms bracing himself, staring out the window. He still has not put on a shirt so his bare back was facing me. With how he was leaning on the counter the muscles of his back were sticking out even more.

Bad Aubrey. Bad. No staring!

"Is that coffee I smell?" I finally got my voice to work. Knox didn't even flinch as I spoke. Almost like he knew I was there.

"Yeah, your mom must have started some before she left." I silently thanked my mom as I headed for the coffee pot. She knew I couldn't make it through the day without a cup. Okay my slight coffee addiction may be more than that.

Grabbing my favorite coffee mug that I painted years ago myself, I made my coffee the way I liked it....tons of sugar.

"How much are you putting in there?" Knox's voice suddenly asked. My head snapped in his direction to find him staring at me. "You're going to get diabetes with that much sugar."

Crossing my arms I leaned back against the counter, matching his gaze.

"I didn't even put that much in there." I defended myself. I've heard countless times about how much I put in. But it's how I like it! "Let me guess you drink yours black?"

"That's the only way to drink it." As if to make his point he took a sip of his own coffee. I fake gagged at the mention of black coffee.

"Ew you are one of those."

"You mean, I'm like normal people?" Knox raised an eyebrow at me.

"Anyone who drinks coffee black is part crazy I swear." I brought my mug to my lips, as soon as I took my first sip I sighed. Perfection.

"I don't like sweet stuff." Knox shrugged. I almost choked on my coffee at that.

"You don't like sweets?"

"No." On their own my eyes went to his well sculpted body. I guess it made sense with a body like that.

"Oh god I brought a crazy person home. First black coffee and now sweets!" I dramatically held my chest. "If you say you hate dogs I'm out." Knox rolled his eyes.

"Of course I like dogs."

"Phew. One good quality."

"Wow thank you for that." He deadpanned.

"You insulted my coffee." I shrugged. Knox rolled his eyes at me again making me grin behind my mug. It was surprisingly fun arguing with him. "But don't worry we'll get you to like sweets in no time."

"Not gonna happen."

"We'll see." Was all I said before I turned my back on him. "Breakfast?"


Knowing my mom she had the fridge stuffed with food for us to make something. I wouldn't even put it past her to already have something made for us. Opening the fridge I saw it was stuffed with food for Christmas.

"Eggs and bacon sound good? Or want pancakes?" I asked over my shoulder.

"Eggs work for me. I'll do the bacon." Knox offered.

"It's turkey bacon though." I grabbed the carton of eggs and the bacon.

"Never had it."

"It's really good. Better than regular bacon in my opinion." While I grabbed everything I needed to make eggs, Knox came up behind me. A quick glance over my should I raised an eyebrow at him.

"If you are going to make the bacon your going to need to put a shirt on." You are distracting without one.

"Am I distracting you?" He took the words right out of my head.

"No." I scoffed. "Just don't want you to get burnt then blame me."

"I can handle a bit of oil." I inwardly groaned. Standing next to him shirtless was going to be torture.

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

And we are back! I love me some Knox :D I love how him and Aubrey interact, I can already see the sparks flying! Once again thank you guys so much for all the love you guys are giving this book. It means so much to me that you are enjoying it <3 <3

 It means so much to me that you are enjoying it <3 <3

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