"Hey, I'm just ensuring a fun and memorable 18th," Dimitri grinned wildly, the type of grin bright enough it could light up the world, but it was just him compensating.

His birthday would be memorable, sure, but Dimitri would hardly call it fun. Saturday would be the biggest day of his teenage career, and he'd have to spend it without his best friend.

Still, he tried not to dwell, there was still today, tomorrow was hours away.

"And besides, it's not for me, I'm picking something for my future mate," the devil boasts like a proud pet. Puffing his chest out and looking like a fool.

Kaleb wishes thunder would dramatically rack though the air at that moment, it would've been very appropriate. One thing to know about Dimitri is that he's, for lack of a better word, a dumbass. Kaleb could hardly believe he was destined to such an idiot.

"How sweet of you," Kaleb simply puts with no chance of sincerity.

The boys arrived at the local mall just as the rain was picking up even more. Both of them looked at each other, silently asking the other if they had remembered a rain jacket or, at the very least, umbrella. They sat in the metal box for minute before counting down from three. On one they both opened their doors and sprinted to the entrance of the mall.

Laughing and doing their best to shake their hair of water, they stomp through the mall.

Dimitri is automatically driven by the scent of salted pretzels and drags a tired Kaleb across the mall. They have their fill of carbs and lemonade before setting off. Kaleb ponders on what Dimitri will do without his cooking.

Maybe he'll starve, the glutton deserves it, he thought mischievously.

Dimitri tries to find clothes for his mate, but soon realizes he doesn't know what size his mate would be or what she likes to wear.

Dimitri hopes she's tall. Dimitri is 6'4" himself and wants someone who he doesn't have to crane his neck down just to speak to them.

Dimitri doesn't have to worry though, Kaleb's two inches taller than he is.

Dimitri also knows he doesn't want a yes-man girl. He wants a girl he could talk to and get an opinion from. He wants his own person, he wants love, not just blind faithfulness.

Again, Dimitri wouldn't have to worry about that. Kaleb has always been quick to put Dimitri in his place. Plus, Kaleb already loves him indefinitely, he has since they were little. It may not be platonic anymore, but that has never been an issue for Kaleb.

Dimitri tries not to fantasize about what his mate will look like, but he knows in his heart she will be everything and more.

Dimitri was raised on perfect matings. Mates who clicked right away. Relationships with no hardships or any complications. So, in his mind it's always a girl. Not once has Dimitri ever envisioned his future with a guy.

This was one of the reasons Kaleb needed to flee before Dimitri's 18th.

A werewolf's 18th is when they can start searching for their mate. It's said that your mate is supposed to smell like your favorite smell in order to coerce you and it ables you to track them with ease. Dimitri smells like rain to Kaleb.

Kaleb allows himself to wonder what Dimitri's favorite scent is for a moment. What would he smell on Kaleb? Some people say they like the smell of gas, so if it was something as foul as gasoline Kaleb doesn't know if he'd ever forgive Dimitri. But whatever it was that lead Dimitri's nose to Kaleb, only the worst could follow.

Gay mates were not unheard of, there were actually a few in their pack, but they have the highest rejection rate out of any pairings.

Rejection from their mate is something all werewolves fear. Once your fated half severs their ties with you, you lose everything.

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