Chapter 1

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Regulus's POV:

It was a cold December day with leaves falling left and right and you could tell that It was getting ready for winter as a cold breeze hit my face, I never really liked the cold as I normally get colder than my brothers as he is always hot I'm always cold but anyways I do love the sight of the weather changing from autumn to winter I was thinking about painting as it is one of my hobbies besides reading and it was an overall lovely day despite the cold. I started walking near the great lake when I see my older brother and his friends with Severus and a redhead if I am positive Lily was her name anyways it looks like they were fighting, I walked closer but the last thing I see is the face of horror my brother made before it all went black.


When I slightly opened my eyes to see I wasn't in my room in fact I recognized the place I was in the hospital wing. I tried to get up but there was something on my legs, I shifted my body to see what was on me and there I see my older brother with what looks like a tear-stained face. I shock his body so he should wake up but it didn't work huh I should have known Sirius was always a deep sleeper well I was a lighter sleeper. Then I decided to push him off my hospital bed, Sirius hit the ground with a loud thump. He got up and looked at me and for a second he looked like he was about to burst into tears."Oh My Gosh, Reggie, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" He kept repeating I looked at him confused."What for?" I asked, "Me, James, Snape, and Evens were sending hexes at each other when one still don't know who's hit you and you fell into the freezing water of the great lake" Sirius answered my question I was about to say something when Sirius continued "Then when we saw what happened James, Remus, Evens, and Snape Jumped after you, James came up with your clod wet body and then Evens and Snape have to give you CPR as none of us knew how too". I looked at him and saw a tear roll down his cheek "I-I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to h-help you" Sirius choked trying to hold back his sobs. I hugged him and let him sob onto me as he did to me when I was upset when we were younger. I started to rub him back to comfort him when the door burst open...

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