Chapter 3

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Sirius POV:

We continued our hug when it was interrupted with a cough and we all looked to the direction it came from and it was none other than..... madam Pomfrey "sorry to interrupt but I need to check Mr.Black over to see if he can leave the hospital wing". with that Reggie sat back on the bed as Mother, Father, and I watch her take a magical scan over Reggie to see if he is allowed to go. "alright he seems fine so he can leave but I suggest he get plenty of rest just to be safe" madam Pomfrey finally spoke up before she left to go to her office." me and your Father have spoken to the headmaster and he allowed you two and James to come home early for the summer as we still need to explain this situation to him" Mother spoke as she fussed over Reggie "and we will be helping you with your stuff as the house elves are busy preparing the feast as we will be having dinner with the whole family as well and heir potter's family so if you want to say bye to your other friend then be my guest but you have to bring either me or your mother with you as I will not allow you to go alone" Father continued.


James POV:

It has been two days since we saw Sirius because of the incident and he never left Regulus's side. "Do you think Regulus is ok"? Remus asked "I hope so or Sirius would be heartbroken" Peter replied. I was about to say something when we saw Sirius and his mom." Hay Padfoot there you are, why is your mom here"? I asked " oh, my parent came to see if Reggie was ok don't worry he's fine he just left the hospital wing and went to get his stuff to go home as we're both going home early this year". he said with a bit of cheer in his voice and he finished we all let out a sigh of relief. "Wait you going home early"? Remus asked " Ya, oh that reminded me, mum, can they come over later in summer," Sirius asked his mom "sure as long as they don't break anything or do something stupid they can come". she replied to her son's question "sorry mum no promises," Sirius says to his mom with a wink but she just smiles and shakes her head clearly not surprised with Sirius's antics. "Sorry, Sirius but we need to get to class but have a good summer vacation and we will come to visit as soon as we can" Remus replied and Peter just nodded along. I was about to go when Sirius says "Oh and James wait you're coming too so let's go and pack our bags" he says happily "Huh, why"? I asked confused "we'll explain while we pack your thing, oh and you will stay with us for a month and a few weeks as you parent went on a business trip and will be gone most of the summer but will be back in August" Mrs.Black was the one to answer "Ya Jamsie you're stuck with us for these two weeks and all of July". he said with all the pep he could. "Come on boys let's get your things packed," Mrs. Black says.


Regulus's POV:

Me and Papa made our way to the dungeons to get my stuff when I get engulfed in multiple hugs. "Oh, my Salazar are you ok Reg we're sorry we weren't with you" Vivian Prince one of my best friends says "Sorry I wasn't fast enough to catch you Reg," Severus says as he joined the hug then my other two best friends Barty and Even came to join the hug. "Guys I'm fine a little tired but I'm fine," I say as everyone let out a sigh of relief "thank god who else would help me with my potions homework as Sev says it's my problem and the others get an average grade," Barty says with a sniff. I laugh then lightly punch him in the arm. " but I will be going home early as my parent want me and my brother home now". Everyone nodded understandingly and after all the goodbyes and more hugs me and Papa went to go get my stuff. "your friends seem like nice people who care about you bug" Papa says as he ruffles my hair. "ya they are when they're not overprotective" I say with a laugh as I put my Robe into my trunk and then I went to my pile of books that only grow Maybe I might have a book problem, oh well can never have too many books. all right let's go and meet your Mother, Brother, and Heir Potter in the courtyard so we can apparate out of Hogwarts" Papa says warmly I nod and we start walking to the courtyard. When we got there we see Sirius and Potter arguing with a redhead with green eyes who I could only guess was Lily Evens


This chapter was longer mhen the others so I hope you enjoyed it and if there are any mistakes ignore then It is 2 in the morning so I'm so tired to check the chapter over but overall I hope you enjoyed it and the next chapter will hopefully be out on the weekend or earlier if I have time with all my tired love ~ Avocado ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍

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