Chapter seventeen

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Jughead's POV

It's been two weeks since the funeral. Betty and I have been working 12 hours a day to figure out all the missing details of the story and yet we still haven't put two and two together. We talked to Reggie's parents about how their son was acting before that night but their answers haven't really cleared up anything. We called Hiram Lodge back in town to interrogate him, but as always, he denied it all. The Ghoulies have been in the shadows since the murder happened but Toni said that they always try to keep things on the low; they know not to mess with the Serpents. Seeing how hard Betty's been working on this made me realize that this is my true passion; crime stories. I wrote my first book about the story of how the Stonewall Preppies tried to kill me. The book was number one in 24 states and has been translated into 10 different languages. I had no clue what to write in my second book. I started writing it two years ago and never had the motivation to move the storyline ahead. When I saw Betty for the first time again, I knew what my book was going to be about: Betty and I. I've been writing every night when I wasn't working with her and I sent it to my publisher to read the first chapters of the story. Our story, disguised as a modern Bonnie and Clyde; but instead of criminals, we are private investigators. We've always attracted bad things and yet we managed to keep ourselves good.

We haven't spoken about the moment we shared two weeks ago. Our relationship is back to how it was when we were nothing more than two kids trying to find Betty's sister. Though I'm afraid of what will happen when we solve the case. Will we go back to our old lives and pretend like what happened in Riverdale didn't actually happen? It's 4 in the morning and Betty's about to call that she's on the way to pick me up. Our morning routine has been the same every day: she picks me up at 5 and we grab coffees on the way to work. We check if Dylan had found anything new and we head out to investigate. By the time we arrived at the station, Polly has been waiting for Betty anxiously in her office. - Finally, you're here! Hello Jughead. - She said quickly and passed me on her way to her sister.

- Polly? What are you doing here? What's wrong? - Betty asked worrying. I sat down at the desk and opened up the files that were on the table.

- It's Alex. He had an accident a few hours ago. He's in the hospital now. Juniper and Dagwood can't know. I don't want them to worry. - Polly was hyperventilating.

- Calm down, he's going to be okay. - Betty grabbed her sister's shoulders and looked into her eyes. - Where are they? -

- In the car. I told them they are going to be with you for the weekend. - I was eavesdropping. - Please Betty. Can you watch them today? I will ask mom to watch them for the weekend but I know her and FP are going to Toledo today for Jellybean. - I looked up at the two women when I heard my sister's name.

- It's fine, Betts. I'll go to the Ghoulies alone. - I said calmly and they looked at me as I spoke. Betty sighed and agreed to the deal. Polly was gone within a blink. I can't imagine her with someone other than Jason. That poor guy died 7 years ago... It's when all the creepy shit started to happen to us.

- Are you sure you can do this alone? I can get you back up. - Betty looked at me worrying.

- I'm sure. Go. Your niece and nephew are waiting for you. - I said making sure she'll get less anxious.

- Call me if you need anything okay? - She grabbed her bag and her keys before she closed the door leaving me in her office alone. I read through the files on the computer and re-watched the footage of the security cameras once again. Two guys in all black walk inside the building at 11 pm, the camera's shut down as soon as they reached the building and it picks back up in the morning at 6. I tried to lighten up the shots but it's still too dark and their faces are completely covered.

It's 7 am already so I decided to call Toni and ask her where I can find the Ghoulies. - It's 7 am Jughead. What do you want? - Judging by her voice I probably woke her up.

- I need to find the Ghoulies. Do you know where their spot is? - I asked getting straight to the point.

- They have been moving around the trailer park. They moved in a year after Hiram moved us out. - I haven't been to that trailer park since Betty and I burnt down my childhood home that my mom used as a drug lab.

- Thanks T. I owe you one. - I hung up on her and grabbed my jacket walking out of the office. Betty took the car with her. Great. Now I need a ride... but who should I call?

- Thanks for picking me up. - I said as I got inside the old truck that Archie made with Betty.

- It's no problem, Jug. - Archie replied and started driving. - I was surprised you called. -

- Yeah. Me too. - I called Veronica first but she didn't answer. Chad and her have been trying nonstop to get pregnant and her hormones are killing us both. Poor Chad. I should grab a beer with him tonight but Veronica would probably behead me.

Archie drove to the trailer park and we got out looking inside. - What are we looking for? - He asked.

- Some Ghoulies hopefully. - I responded and quieted him as we started walking inside. A little boy saw us and started running towards one of the trailers. I ran after him and grabbed his arm and mouth so he wouldn't scream. - Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you. I just need some answers. - I looked at the little brown-eyed boy I held hostage in my hands and he nodded slowly. - Not here, come back to our car. -

- Are you seriously trying to get your answers from a 10-year-old? - Archie said looking at me with his eyebrows raised.

- Do you have a better idea? - I asked annoyed and walked back to the car sitting in the backseat with the little guy. - What's your name? -

- Daniel. - He replied shyly.

- Do you have friends, Daniel? -

- I do. -

- Well, one of my friends was murdered three weeks ago and all signs led me here. Do you live here? - The boy nodded in response. - I grew up here too. - I said looking at him. - I moved away when I was 17. -

- Are you trying to ask me who killed Reggie Mantle? - Straight to the point, little guy.

- Do you know who killed him? - I asked looking at him seriously and he nodded.

- I can't tell you. My mom would send me away if I did. - He stated anxiously.

- I'm not going to let her hurt you. - I said trying to ease his mind.

- It's not him I'm scared of. It's my dad. - He said looking into my eye. - My mom has been in this with him for too long. They never let me out to play with anyone else. - This little boy reminded me of the conditions southside kids are raised in. I was lucky that I could go to school on the northside, but there were many who weren't as fortunate. - I tried running away but dad found me and... -

- It's okay. - I grabbed his hand gently. - How about we make a deal? - He looked at me curiously and the tears in his eyes disappeared. - I'll make sure you go to school and live with good people if you tell me who killed Reggie. - He gulped slightly and looked down at his hands.

- Do you promise? - His eyes were full of hope. I'd give this boy everything if it meant he's going to have a better future.

- I promise. You can come with me now if you want. If not I'll send my friend for you later today. - I promised to this little man and he agreed after a few minutes of hesitation.

- The people who killed him are... - 

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