What Is This Feeling?

751 32 14

Written for the Harry Potter Ace Fest on Ao3, but I'm cross-posting it on here as well. Enjoy.

Prompt/Summary: demi Remus realizing he only has feelings for Sirius

Ship(s): Remus/Sirius

Word count: 1669

If there was one thing Remus did not like, it was that big, bright ball of gas that dared to rise in the morning. He opened his eyes blearily and immediately snapped them shut again. Couldn't the sun wait at least another hour or two before announcing its presence?

"Good morning, Moony!"

And couldn't James wait four hours — at least — before speaking?

Remus groaned in response.

"Yes, yes, you're tired and you'd rather bury your head in a cauldron. Now let's go! I'm starving!"

"Lay off him, Prongs."

A jolt through Remus' body. It was Sirius, and his voice was as welcoming as the gentle hand that laid across his shoulder.

"But really, Moony, you better get up before James and Peter start chewing the bedsheets."

Remus cracked open one eye. The sunlight outlined Sirius' head in a pale golden-white. His hair fell in waves around his face and his eyes were bright and gray. In other words, he looked the same as always: very good-looking and full of energy.

An urge to run his hand through that thick mane rose inside Remus, but he pushed it away. "I'm up, I'm up." He sat up, rubbing his eyes.

Sirius beamed and bounced off the bed, causing it to shudder.

Remus took his time getting ready, taking an extra-long shower, and by the time he was dressed and awake, James had already gone with Peter. Only Sirius remained behind to wait.

"Honestly, Remus, you're starting to act more like James each day," he remarked, shaking his head.

"Can't a prefect try to look his best?" Remus said.

Sirius laughed. It was a lovely sound, Remus thought idly. "As if you need to spend an hour in the shower. You're pretty enough."

His face went a little pink, and Remus felt something stir in his stomach. This wasn't the first time this sensation had happened, but it was still rather puzzling. Why did Remus get these strange feelings? It wasn't like this was the first time he'd been complimented; James liked to joke about how quickly Remus would catch the girls' attention if he kept punching puberty in the face — as James so eloquently put it.

Sirius broke the silence. "Anyway, we better hurry or else Peter will eat everything. Or James. Maybe I should send him another salt lick."

Remus snorted. The first time Sirius had done so, James had lobbed it back in Sirius' face. Sirius had never looked so offended.

As they walked into the Great Hall, they saw that their friends had already begun eating. A copy of the Daily Prophet lay next to them, but judging by the fact they weren't reading it, nothing of significance had caught their attention.

A few girls sitting a few seats away looked up as Remus and Sirius passed.

"Morning, Remus," one of them said.

"Morning," Remus replied, smiling.

For some reason, the girls started giggling. Bemused, Remus stared at them until Sirius said sharply, "Are we eating or not?"

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