Dark Trio pt. 1

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Brilliant title, I know /s

Summary: AU where the trio is Sorted into Slytherin... with a slight twist

Ship(s): golden trio friendship

Additional notes: hints at powerful!trio; out of character

Word count: 1677

Through narrowed eyes, Harry watched the red-haired family bustle past. Each of the four boys pushed a trunk much like Harry's own, and they had an owl. One by one, they lined up and took off at a brisk pace, disappearing into the dividing barrier between platforms nine and ten. Harry looked around. No one seemed to have noticed. How odd. They weren't exactly being inconspicuous, running into a wall.

Shaking his head, Harry pushed his trunk so he was directly in line with the barrier. Then, like the red-haired family moments ago, he walked forward. He half expected to crash despite seeing six other people go through with no problem and was delighted when he emerged, blinking, to see the scarlet steam engine next to the platform.

Harry began to search for a compartment, passing a round-faced boy with his grandmother. An older boy with dreadlocks was surrounded by a small crowd. Harry only just caught a glimpse of a long, hairy leg poking out of the box in his arms.

He found an empty compartment near the end and tried to haul his trunk up the steps, only to drop it onto his feet.

"Want a hand?" It was one of the red-haired boys he'd followed through the barrier.

"Yes, please," Harry panted.

"Oy, Fred! C'mere and help!"

With their help, Harry's trunk was at last tucked away in a corner of the compartment.

"Thanks," said Harry.

"No problem, mate."

"Happy to help."

They went to rejoin their mother, and only then did Harry wipe the sweat from his forehead. He had experienced the gawking once when Hagrid quite loudly announced his presence, and that was enough to last a lifetime. Of course, Harry supposed with a shudder, he may as well get used to it.

He sat down next to the window. The red-haired family was close enough so he could hear their words.

"Ron, you've got something on your nose," the mother was saying.

The youngest boy jerked his head back, but his mother grabbed him and began rubbing the end of his long nose.

"Mum — geroff."

"Aaah, has ickle Ronnie got somefink on his nosie?" one twin said.

"Shut up," Ron muttered.

"Where's Percy?" their mother asked.

"He's coming now."

Harry leaned back as the oldest boy came striding into sight.

He opened a book and began to read. Well, he was actually rereading. In the month between getting his supplies and boarding the train, he had read all of his required books and then some. He wondered what other books Hogwarts would have to offer.

As the train was taking off, the youngest redheaded boy opened the door. "Anyone sitting there? Everywhere else is full."

Harry shook his head and the boy sat down.

The boy looked at the book curiously. "I don't remember that being on the list," he said.

"It's not. I bought a couple extra ones that looked interesting," Harry replied.

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