Senran Kagura meets Team Fortress

Start from the beginning

"Why? Is there something you don't want to tell us?" The old man asked, starting to become a little suspicious.

"It's not that we don't want to tell you. It's that we're not sure that you'll believe us." Engineer replied.

"You'd be surprised at how many people have told us that." Kiriya said.

So, with that, RED team told them everything.

They told the Hanzō shinobi how they were mercenaries hired by Reliable Excavation and Demolition, which they shorten to RED. They explain how they called each other by their roles on the battlefield. The scrawny one was Scout, the big guy was Heavy, the construction worker was Engineer, the French one was Spy, and the person in the flame retardant suit was Pyro.

They explained how they were hired to fight a rival BLU company over some land in America.They also explained how they were either from another world, or from the past. They didn't know which.

At first, the Hanzō shinobi were skeptical. But then Engineer provided a scientific explanation as to how either scenario was possible. Since Mr. Kiriya was also a math teacher, he ran the calculations that Egineer provided through his head. So did the old man. To their surprise, the numbers given to them added up.

The girls were still skeptical, however they decided to go along with Mr. Kiriya and the old man.

"Well, that certainly isn't the explanation we were expecting." The old man said.

"We're more surprised dat you actually believe us." Scout added.

"That's understandable." Kiriya replied.

"Now, I do believe it's your turn to explain what's going on." Spy said.

"Hm. I suppose it's only fair." Kiriya said.

Then the Hanzō shinobi explained what the Shinobi were, and how there were three types: Good, Evil, and Renegade. They explained how Hanzō doubled as a regular school and an academy for training Good Shinobi. They also told the mercs how Hebijo Academy was a rival school that trained Evil Shinobi. They explained how Asuka and her friends were training to be Shinobi, and that the old man, Hanzō, and Mr. Kiriya were their teachers.

"So, Heavy and friends have stumbled across ninja war?" Heavy asked.

"In a manner of speaking, yes." Hanzō replied.

"And now that this 'Hebijo Academy' thinks that we work for you..." Spy began.

"They'll try to kill you rather than try to hire you." Kiriya finished.

"Aw, crap. If dat's da case, then I hope the others are okay." Scout thought out loud.

"Others?" Ikaruga repeated.

"Yes. There are four more of us. Demoman, Sniper, Soldier, and Medic. We haven't seen them since the Teleporter malfunction." Engineer explained.

"I see. Well, on the bright side, these friends of yours may be safe if they weren't with you when you defeated the Hebijo Students." Hanzō said.

Hanzō noticed that Kiriya was thinking about something. And he was pretty sure he knew what that something was. He would have objected, but he also considered the pros of this something, and they just barely outweighed the cons.

"You said the five of you are mercenaries?" Kiriya asked.

"Yeah. And?" Asked Scout.

"If I were to make you an offer, would you be interested?" Kiriya asked.

The mercs thought they knew where this silver haired man was going with this, but decided to listen in case they were wrong.

"What would this offer be?" Spy asked.

"Would the five of you consider temporarily working for us?" Kiriya offered.

Meanwhile, at Hebijo Academy

BLU Team was surrounded by sea of unconscious Hebijo Students. They had been fighting for 7 hours at this point. And some of the students were starting to get a little pissed at the fact that they haven't beaten these blue intruders yet.

"Who the hell are these guys?!" A student cried in frustration.

"Ha! We are the BLU mercenaries, and we're gonna keep kicking your asses until you pansies give up!" Soldier laughed.

Sniper stomped on Soldier's foot in response, since both their profession and their employer were supposed to be secrets.

Meanwhile, Hebijo Principal Dōgen, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, suddenly perked up at this news. Then he immediately got an idea.

These men were able to defeat most of Hebijo Academy, including Suzune, who joined the fight about 2 hours ago. If they were that skilled, there was no way that anyone at Hebijo could defeat them. But if they were mercenaries, then perhaps they could work together instead. There would have to be a rather large price, of course. But Dōgen was certain that the price wouldn't be too big of an issue.

He then ran out into the open and made his presence known.

"Wait! Wait!" He shouted.

The students were confused as to what the principal was doing, but followed his orders and stayed their weapons for now.

Then Dōgen turned his attention to BLU Team, who immediately pointed their weapons at him.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" Asked Demo.

"My name is Dōgen. I'm the one who runs this operation." Dōgen replied.

"I'll give you this, you have balls big enough to rival an American." Soldier said.

"I understand that you can't be too happy about the rather... unfriendly welcome. We're simply following protocol." Dōgen explained.

"Can't really blame a bloke for doin' his job. Can still kill him, though." Sniper said, aiming his SMG at Dōgen's head.

"Please, just hear me out. I can't change our rules... however, I'm willing to exempt you four from them. I do ask for something in exchange, of course." Dōgen explained, keeping his composure.

Suzune knew exactly where he was going with this, and she did not like it.

"Sir, you seriously can't be considering something like this." She said, trying to talk Dōgen out of this.

"Silence!" He snapped.

Then he turned his attention back to BLU Team.

"I apologize for my partner's behavior. I'll deal with her later." Dōgen apologized.

"Vhat exactly do you want us to do?" Medic asked, still pointing his syringe gun at the Hebijo principal.

"Unless I misheard, I understand that you four are mercenaries. So, I make you this offer... we pay you to work for us, and in exchange, my students will cease all hostilities against you." Dōgen offered.

BLU Team all looked at each other. They had a choice in front of them. Either keep the ass kicking and run away, or take the offer and get paid.

After Sniper received nods from his colleagues, he turned his attention to Dōgen.

"Alright, mate. You have our attention. But try anything funny, and you get a new hole put in ya." Sniper replied

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