Worlds away-part 1

Start from the beginning

"what the- where the- I DONT LIKE ALL THIS HAIR!"

Tad screeched as he tried to move all of Pacifica hair out his face.

he quickly got his senses back and got into a stance pose with bill.

he looked down and sighed

"how the fuck am I gonna fight with these things on"

"suck it tad and get ready..."

i thought for a minute or two before realising something...i'm a demon as well!

I look around and fly towed stage mystery shack.

I find One of Fords journals and manage to pick it up.I don't know how don't ask, I flip through the pages and find a quick spell Gaby should give a me a temporary form.

I cast out the spell and turn to mirror. I have dark blue hair and black snake eye piercings on my lip. My outfit is just a hoodie and jeans. I was definitely taller...maybe even taller than Bill.

I realised with the form on now they could see me. This had just became a lot riskier than I thought it would be.

I pull the hood up I've rme head. And sneak through the door. The passcode hasn't changed luckily. I see Mable and quickly dart behind a counter and that's when I spot the staff...William's staff

He had been here. I went to reach and then remember it's a soul weapon. It would burn my hand, just as I crawl back I notice Mable going to grab it, I try not to laugh as she screamed in pain. She looked at her hand and made a 'tch' sound.

She then kicked it and the clang of it hitting off the wall tore through the silence as it echoed.

I held my hand out and a small black handle appeared in my hand, I sighed as it extended into more of a rod, still good for fighting with.

I crawled over to the other side of the room and peered back at Mable.

She was tapping her foot impatiently, I looked up a bit and noticed she was standing in front of Will, who was unconscious. He tied down to a chair with chains. But something was wrong... I look closer at his wrists where the chains where and noticed burns...they were mercury.

I slowly pushed the rod out and tapped the light switch, turning the light off.

Mable practically growled as she went to turn them back on and maybe just second before she turned them back on. Ford shouted.


she left the room and entered a different one, leaving with a gun.

I turned to Will, he looked in serious pain but wasn't able to wake up.

My eyes shine a bright blue, which was night vision, just so I could see. I didn't turn the lights back on as it might have draw attention.

"William. . . William!"

I tied to get his attention to wake him up. i wasntand all he did was grunt in pain.

I crawls to his die and pinched his arm, this time he jerked in pain...he made a sort of sigh but it was more of a yawn as well.


"What happened-owww~"

"Don't move I'm gonna get you out of here"

I grabbed into the chains and started searching for a lock on them, the pain was unbearable.

I couldn't imagine being tied down with these on we, I was barley touching then and my hands where already burning in pain. when I found the lock I tried to memories where it was so i wouldn't have to look for it again.

Worlds awayWhere stories live. Discover now