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~(Y/N) POV~

"Wake up guys!"

I gently spoke to my siblings as I near their beds, as I see Emma is the first one to wake up, lively as ever.

"Good morning Emma! Can you help me wake the others up?" "Of course Y/n!! EVERYONE WAKE UPP!!!"

'how are you so lively in the morning??' I thought about my sister by bond and sighed softly with a smile 'Why am I even questioning? She's been like this since we were little'

-Its been 11 years since I've lived here, and I'm one of the eldest out of the 39 kids who currently live here-

"Hey!! stop messing around and get ready!" Gilda scolds Thoma and Lannion for being the chaotic duo they are "both of you listen to Gilda now, we dont want to miss breakfast dont we?" "Yes Y/n, Gilda!!" they both respond, still running around as I shake my head while helping the smaller children with their clothing along with Emma.

"Y/NNNN, EMMAAA! cant put on my shoeess!" "Me too Y/n! i cant tie my shoelaces!!" hear two kids cry for help as i giggle "Emma can you help the other one?" already approaching Phil "sure thing!" "Good morning Phil" i greeted and i kneeled to His level, kissed His forehead and hepling Him with His shoes. "Good morning Y/n!!" He smiles widely as I do too, carrying Him as I see Emma holding someone while rushing out the door "Becareful Emma!!!!" I shout "YES Y/N!!" she responds dashing through the door.

*yawn* "Good morning Y/n" "Mornin' Y/n-nii!!!" "Good morning Y/n!" i giggle as i put Phil down so that He can run along with everyone else in the Hallways "Good morning everybody~!" I respond watching them heading towards breakfast stopping when someone needs help, if someone gives a hug or wants a headpat and maybe play with them a little >< "Good morning Y/n!!" i turn to my side to see Don holding Connie's hand and Her holding Little Bunny "Good morning Don! Conny and little bunny~!" i crouched down to plant a kiss on Connie's forehead "lets go to breakfast now shall we~?"

We arrived in the Dining room thats already lively and cheerful. I start to walk over the table to help with the preparations when I see someone jump on Emma's back and felt someone jumping on mine too "WOAH" "OOF--" I turned around to see Thoma smiling innocently beside Lannion "That was VERY dangerous boys" shadow covering my eyes with a slight smirk on my face "watch out... iM GOING TO EAT YOUU!!" me and Emma chasing both of them as laughter fills the room. "They're at it again..." Gilda says "Dont worry Gildaa~! i got them!" i replied not wanting to worry Her as i gently catch Thoma carrying Him in my arms while slightly tickling His sides as He giggles and tries to get out of my grasp "AHAHA Y/N-NII STOOOP!!" i put him down with a giggle "okay, as long as you be careful then its okay, now go~!"

-Our personalities, our ages and colors of our skin may differ. We may not be related by blood, but...--

"mowning! Norman! Ray!" Emma greets as She carries Phil on her back with Thoma and Lani by Her side as I stay behind them just to make sure they wont fall and wave at the two boys with a smile "Good morning, Emma, Y/n!" Norman responds with a smile "MoWnInG, Emma, morning Y/n" Ray responds with a teasing tone. As i chuckle at their interaction "Good morning you guys, as you can see here we have a wild Emma, energetic and giddy when we didnt even have breakfast yet, how does she do that? Stay tuned Kids~!" i acted, giggling right after. "says the one who helped everyone get ready and still manage to play with everyone, dont act like we didnt see you chase after Lannion and Thoma earlier, what are you guys, five?" Ray says "We are eleven! same as you guys!!" Emma retorts blushing a bit embarrassed "I dont know Emma,I mean, sometimes you do act a lil childish~" i said "Y/nnn!!" Emma whines as I simply shrug with a smile helping them set up the table.

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