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~Y/n P.O.V~

"Emma! Y/n!" Right now the three of us are doing our chores and hanging the cloths on the clothing line  "Starting today, let's play tag in teams" Norman continued "In teams?" Emma asked as Ray followed "At this rate, most of them would die if they escaped individually." "Oi Ray!! Dont say that" I told him but he just looked down and smiled "but everyone's movements aren't bad. So we shouldn't break them up individually" "We'll make formations and run away in teams." "We'll play tag in a wat thats similar to what the real escape would be like. The real escape" "And I have another idea" i spoke up as they looked at me "I've thought about it for a while and lets..Let's tell Don and Gilda" i told them "We'll explain the situation and have them lead the teams" "What if they're Mom's informant?" "No worries. Finding out who the informant is, and also winning them over I can do them simultaneously. And I've already made arrangements with a little help from Norman" i smiled at them as Norman did too. "Emma. Y/n" we turned to Ray who called us as we listened to him "For now, I'll tell you 100 types of formation patterns, so memorize them" "You mean by ear?" "what? You can't do it?" Ray crossed his arms and smiled at us challengingly, me and Emma looked at eachother as i smiked "Easy peasy!!" 'did we just...get in sync again?? 0-0'

"I won't get caught this time!" "Good luck" the kids smiled confidently as Ray then said "Okay, try not to get caught for 10 minutes, Start." I started running along with the others into the forest as the game started "Everyone, follow me!" Emma started as i turned around to jog backwards and smiled determinely at them and said "Let's succeed and surprise Ray!" and winked at them proceeding to turn back around and run "Let's do this!"...We were now in the forest running when Emma made a signal causing the our team to run the other route. I looked at Norman as he made a signal as we split in two groups while Ray's team were just behind us. 'alright we lost them!!' as i looked at Don giving him a thumbs up.

"That was fun!" Phil happily said as we just finished the game "Phil, you were good at running away" Emma said as i patted His head "This is really fun! I want to be leader for the next one" Don said and pointed to himself "But let's take a break for a little bit" Guilda said as i agreed to her as well "no one got hurt right~? does anyone need water or anything" I asked as all of them either shaked their heads or said no which made me relieved and smiled at them.

The four of us stepped away from them as we went to drink water and talked "It looks like playing tag in teams is going to work!" i smiled at Emma seeing her happy and giggled "yea" then Ray asked a question..."What was Phil's score again?" "huh? well lets see" and i started calculating and answered "ah! He's averaging about 203 lately" "That's high" "He was one of the last ones remaining this time and also when we played tag with Sister. He's always looking for you and Norman with Sherry, too" there was a short silence when Emma suddenly whined and grabbed her head scaring the crap out of me "Stop it! I don't want to suspect anyone after all!" "Idiot. Even if you don't want to, you need to be more suspicious! Thoroughly. This is life or death" Ray scolded. I stared off into the field seeing my siblings play 'is there really one of them who's the traitor...?' "Ray" i cut off my thoughts and looked at the trio "Any progress on how to break the tracking devices? How long do you need until you're prepared?" "Let's see. Ten days" "Then let's commence the plan ten days from now" "eh?" "We'll carry out the escape plan ten days from now, on November 8th" "e-EH?!" i looked at Norman like he was crazy, as much as i want to get out of here as soon as possible, i dont think we could do that tho!! "W-Wait! Isn't it too soon? I mean, it's fine, but..." "It's not fine! It's been two weeks since Conny was shipped. The shipment cycle is at least two months, so we should have about a month and a half. I thought the plan was to carefully prepare that time!" Ray reasoned as me and Emma nodded to that "Yeah. Just as you thought that way, Mom's controlling us to think that way, too. So we need to outwit that" "And if we fail from being too rushed? Then what?" Either way, we need to escape before winter comes.  As soon as we break the tracking devices, let's execute our escape plan as quickly as possible" "That means we have to do what's necessary in the remaining ten days" "tch" They conversed as i finally spoke up and said "Let's talk to Don and Gilda tonight" i told them as they nodded.

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