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(Y/n P.O.V)

Sitting on the bed after Thoma and Lani helped me up after falling while Mama fixes my bandages again, while she pours a small amount of ointment she looked at me. "Does it still hurt Y/n?" I looked away clenching the sheets under my hands and nodded. I heard her sigh and said softly "I'll bring over the materials you need, all you need to do is tell me.." I looked at Her as she finished wrapping my leg and stood up. "I'll...I'll be making a necklace this  time, please.  And a small pendant too..." Mama just nodded and went out the room. After a few minutes She came back in and I started making the necklace "We'll call you for Dinner" I just nodded as She silently closed the door. Looking at the desk beside the bed were Forge-me-not flowers. I plucked out small ones and put it in the pendant, for about 20 minutes later I finally finished looking at the finish product. 

(Anything can happen in Fanfiction so just imagine we made this without any major problems.) Putting it inside my pocket I grabbed my crutches and stood up, as I went out closing the door behind me I saw Phil walking "Y/n-nii! Where are you going?" I smiled at Him as He stood beside me "Im finding where Emma, Norman and Ray is" "That's where I'm going too!!" "Really now? Alright, I shall follow the great Phil!" He giggled as He stared walking as I followed behind. "Norman!" He said while opening the door, while I showed myself "Y/n..." they all looked at me as I just smiled "Mom is calling you." "Tell her that I'll be right there." "Okay!" I stepped inside as Phil closed the door, the four of us inside the room. "Are you alright?" Emma asked "No, who would be when one of your loved ones is getting killed in a few hours" I said looking down as the room was silent once again. "Why didn't you escape?" I said looking at Him "It wasn't that I didn't... I couldn't" "So...what did you see?"  I asked heading over to sit on the bed, Norman hesitantly looked at me before explaining everything. "I see..." 

(3rd Person P.O.V)

It was silent for a bit when Norman suddenly stood up. "Well... I should get going." "W-Wait a minute!" "Norman!" You stood up to stop Him when He suddenly turned around with the device on His hand. "I'll give this back. I didn't use it." "You..." Ray suddenly grabbed Him by the shoulders and said angrily "So you were planning to return from the start, huh? You said so yourself, right? That we'll stay alive together! But you were already planning to..." "Yeah. Sorry, I lied-" You slapped Him in the face as the three stared at you in shock, while you were standing with one crutch.

"Why? You promised right? Why would you do this?!" You said tears in your eyes while He smiled, you wondered how could he even make such an expression at these moments. "I can't afford to make a mistake. Because I can't let anyone die. If I run away, the plan will deviate. If it deviates even a little, it'll be problematic. I don't even want a chance of losing."  "So you're sacrificing yourself? Do you know how we would feel if we saw you out there getting eaten by demons? Huh? We can all make it out alive Norman! I- I cant lose you too! You can still escape-" "It's pointless to argue. I won't change my mind." You then stepped backwards sitting on the bed between Emma and Ray and clenched your fists "I did what I can today. I'm leaving the rest to you. Make sure the escape succe—" "Wait! Norman-" 

(Y/n P.O.V)

Norman suddenly hugged the three of us as I felt tears welling up in my eyes. "So warm... Thank you for everything. Because of you two, I had a good life." I rest my head near his neck as I felt his head on top of mine. "I had fun." I let the tears fall as my hands slightly shook "I was happy." I reached my hand to hug Him back "I was fortunate." Clenching my fists on his shirt I let out a sob "Damn." I heard Ray whisper "Damn it, Damn it!" "Hey, Norman." I heard Emma speak as I sniffled "It's still not too late to run away. Run and hide in the forest." He slowly let us go as i wiped the tears flowing with the back of my hand "Like I just said, I'm not going to change my mind. See you." Norman walked out the room as I quickly followed "Y/n wait-" 

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