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Dear Draco,

I love you......there I said it! You must think I'm a bloody creeper, but I swear on my chocolate frog collection that I'm not. You see I've had feelings for you for a while (he's been obsessed over you since fifth year), ahhh please ignore that, it was my best friend cruelly exposing me.

Sigh.....my friends have been pushing me to write you a letter and actually send it, and when I say pushing I mean them literally pushing me down the stairs until I gave in and confessed to you, and as you can see it worked.....well mostly because I wanted to stop having to end up at the hospital wing everyday.

Now please don't hold the next few things I say against me, but I've noticed that you've been unhappy this year, I mean I understand that it probably has to do with your father being in Azkaban and your family name being ruined and everyone hating you because you were a death eater and I'm gonna stop rambling now.

I'm sorry if I offended you or hurt your feeling with anything I've said or made you uncomfortable, but let me tell you a secret, (I am utterly in love with you Draco Malfoy and oh Draco I just want to hug you and touch your hair and kiss yo-) BLOODY HELL!!! For Merlin's sake please please please ignore that, I swear that wasn't me, it was my annoying friends that are going to get a good telling off from me later.

Moving on what I was actually gonna say was that I know that times are tough and you may feel like giving up, but don't......because that's what everyone wants you to do, so please don't give them the satisfaction of knowing they tore down the one and only Draco Malfoy, keep your head up and stay fighting! Now I will end this letter before I embarrass myself further.


Your Letter Lover. 

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