I w An T Mi k E

41 4 72

A large growing pain erupted in his leg, his eyes popped open to see large chocolate eyes staring at him. Wide interested eyes staring into his, scanning him. Watching him.

"Hello." He quietly said. The girl only stared at him longer. Awkwardly he sat up. The girl unmoving only blinked.

"What's your name." He asked her. She slowly brought out her arm showing him a zero and two ones.


A zero and a 11. She brought up her hand and jabbed herself with her pointer finger.

"Eleven?" She nodded.

"Well hi, I'm mike." She smiled at him for the fraction of a second in the tick of a single clock then went back to her normal facial expression.

"Eat?" He stared at her, his stomach grumbling.

"Eat." He finished, she pulled out a skinned- well he didn't want to know- and offered it to him. He took it and nodded his thanks, taking a crusty disgusting bite. Wincing at the taste.

After finishing the painfully disgusting thing he stood up, his leg immediately shot up with pain. Eleven handed him a stick and he nodded thankfully.

"Where exactly are we." Eleven grabbed a piece of paper and turned it upside-down.

"You do realize I have no idea what that means right?" He told her. A eyebrow raised. She ignored him and grabbed a lamp, turning that upside-down as well.

"We are upside-down?" Eleven sighed and sat down. Staring at the ceiling.

Mike sat down next to her, looking at the flecks that danced all around them.

"Am I ever going to go home?" She looked at him.

"Home." She repeated. He smiled.

"So you do speak!" She didn't respond, however he found this as a major win.

"Minus well call you El then, do you like that?" She turned to him and smiled, nodding in the process.

"Well El, looks like we're on our own right now."

Then the door handle jingled.

Nancy sat down on her couch, jotting down homework with a grimace

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Nancy sat down on her couch, jotting down homework with a grimace. Obviously 78x + 48y over the square of two did not equal 23.

3 knocks on her door got her attention, mom should still be at work. She got up and answered the door to see Dustin and Lucas.

"Hey guys!" She smiled, then frowned. "Wait isn't mike supposed to be with you guys at wills house?"

"He never came home?" Lucas asked frowning.

"No why- what happened?" Nancy asked, her eyebrows furrowing.

"Mike accidentally created a sedative and landed in the hospital-" Dustin held up his hands when she moved for her purse. "He's fine, he specifically said he was going to go home once he got discharged."

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